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Re: Re: Re: BEER is GOOD

DirtMonkey said:

Ahh, cool. My best friend and his girlfriend recently took a trip from NE Alabama to Portland, OR and the surrounding region. Brought back a few pint glasses and some of the 24 oz. bottles of different beers from the Rogue Brewery. They took a couple hundred pics of everything they seen and now making that trip is definitely on my bucket list. Beautiful country out that way. Crater Lake, I believe it was called, looked like a really neat spot. They were there toward dark, and the pics sort of looked creepy like a scene from a horror movie lol.
The beer specials for the month of January

I must be weird or just set in my ways but i love cheapo light beer way better than any of that craft beer microbrewery ****
Re: Re: Re: BEER is GOOD

Neal3000 said:
I must be weird or just set in my ways but i love cheapo light beer way better than any of that craft beer microbrewery ****

Most of the rest of the country does too.
It's an acquired taste. That really sounds gay/snobby to say, but it is definitely true. I used to not like any craft beers. Was like "Why in the hell would you wanna drink this garbage?" I've progressed into it slowly by finding one I actually liked, then gradually going deeper into the different craft beers. I would ONLY drink a few of my select favorite craft beers if I could and nothing else, but 1.) can't justify paying the price per as much beer that I drink and 2.) Too much craft beer, especially if it's a high % abv, gives me terrible hangovers and a monster case of the beer shits. So I generally only drink a max of 4 or 5 craft beers on a hard night of drinking and use the Beast as filler beer the remainder of the day/night.

I can remember being a judgemental little prick in junior high and stating "Man, if you ever get to the point where you actually like the taste of beer, you are a full blown alcoholic..." ...that's a funny one to look back on. :****:
Re: Re: Re: BEER is GOOD

TBItoy said:
Most of the rest of the country does too.

I read an article last week that stated over the past few years since the laws have loosened on the sale of high alcohol beer in the state of Alabama that each year, craft beer sales across the state has increased by an average of 50% per year. So the craft brew population is steadily growing :dblthumb:

Re: Re: Re: BEER is GOOD

kmcminn said:
JD you coming to stoney lonesome in April

Idk, what's in April? Depends on how long my truck is down for. I've been pondering the fact of taking extra time off and doing several things to it while I'm taking this break from wheeling to link the front end. If you gonna do it, might as well do it right, right? Hell worse case scenario, I could drive over and ride shotgun in that mall crawling shiny never dirty flossin' white Jeep you wheel lol.
Re: Re: Re: BEER is GOOD

TacomaJD said:
Idk, what's in April? Depends on how long my truck is down for. I've been pondering the fact of taking extra time off and doing several things to it while I'm taking this break from wheeling to link the front end. If you gonna do it, might as well do it right, right? Hell worse case scenario, I could drive over and ride shotgun in that mall crawling shiny never dirty flossin' white Jeep you wheel lol.

He'll yes!
Turns out the guy that holds the recipe for that Peanut Butter Porter is having a fight with Back Forty Brewing company that brews it for him and there might not be any more the rest of this year.
I don't like that pb porter, terrapins liquid bliss is fantastic tho, I've also heard beer engineers are assholes :****:
Re: Re: Re: Re: BEER is GOOD

TacomaJD said:
OH SNAP.........


Pretty good brew. Great tasting spices and easy to drink.

I just realized that says Cold Snap.....up until now, I thought it said Gold Snap lmao. I'm a ratard.
Re: Re: Re: BEER is GOOD

TacomaJD said:
Ahh, cool. My best friend and his girlfriend recently took a trip from NE Alabama to Portland, OR and the surrounding region. Brought back a few pint glasses and some of the 24 oz. bottles of different beers from the Rogue Brewery. They took a couple hundred pics of everything they seen and now making that trip is definitely on my bucket list. Beautiful country out that way. Crater Lake, I believe it was called, looked like a really neat spot. They were there toward dark, and the pics sort of looked creepy like a scene from a horror movie lol.

Yes, portland is a great destination for a beercation! It will not disappoint. A little too big, liberal and wet for me, but great brews!
Haha, there are definitely some creepy places in the PacNW that will make you reconsider the existence of Sasquatch :****:

author=TacomaJD I can remember being a judgemental little prick in junior high and stating "Man, if you ever get to the point where you actually like the taste of beer, you are a full blown alcoholic..." ...that's a funny one to look back on. :****:

Funny, I think I uttered those same words in my youth ;D

Here's some cool marketing from a local brewery here in town. Good beer too!