Aside from mounting the antenna, mounting the ptt buttons and tying up some dangling wires, I'm calling it done. For now. Also need to make some headset hangers. Haven't had a chance to mess with the radio but the intercom is a game changer. Had the buggy idling in the garage and my daughter and I could talk back and forth perfectly fine. Music sounds great in the headsets as well. The only thing I may address is all the excess headset cable coiled up in the console. There's a patch cable that basically acts as an adapter. Mine are 12' long, really only need about 12". Would also like flush mount ends so I can just plug the headsets into the console. Rugged said I can swap these cables and they'll cover shipping so I may do that. Also had to swap some plugs around on the wiring harness. The radio and audio filter use waterproof plugs, but the switch harness isn't waterproof. Totally different connectors. Wasn't a big job to change, just expected a little better for the coin. Also had to oval out some holes and file the switch hole bigger on the mounting bezel. Again, nbd but still annoying. Should be able to test everything out at Rausch on sunday. Also, big thanks to Bebop for pointing me right with the wiring.
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