Wyatt I did laugh at #2

and I would love to see Cross Canadian and Jason Boland, damn Texas has the best country musicians, period.
1. Cory Morrow and Brandon Pruitt at Zydeco this past October rocked the fawk out, I was the poster child for hammered

The crowd was small and tunes were LOUD, more Shiner Bock please. ;D
2. Kid Rock at City Stages several years ago, the crowd was freakin stupid packed, ****ers climbing the street light poles and ****. Halfway through my little sister texts me that she is locked up back stage and they would not let her out! You wanna talk about somebody that was about to come unglued in a drunken frenzy!!! Turns out security would not let several people who were working the show out because the crowd was so nuts at the stage.
3. Grateful Dead at BJCC the summer before Jerry died, HOLY **** at all the damn mary jane! I was in high school and this was my first real introduction to mass drug use (not by me). They turned the lights on between the first and second sets and you could not see across the civic center because of all the pot smoke haze in there!!! :****:
Honorable mention goes to David Allen Coe at what used to be Flamingo's, maybe junior year high school. Old guy was playing a medley sitting on a bar stool with an acoustic guitar, every 5-6 minutes he would reach over and grab a bottle of Jack, turn it up, then back to playing his songs. Damn at all the people crowded into a small bar, you couldn't move, but I didn't care because I was next to the hottest chick that I went to school with.