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Best CONCERT you've ever been to?

Creed when I was in jr high was a fawkin awesome show, theory of a deadman and motley crue we ended up down on the floor right in front of the stage, some guy in front of us kept gettting pissed because I wasspilling beer in him, and any thursday night at harrys with the whiskey river band is a dam gud time :woot:
Wow! Some of y'all are old. :flipoff1:

But I'd have to say
Brad paisley h2o tour
George strait
Tom petty
Montgomery gentry
Pretty much it

I'd like to see van halen
1. Summer Sanitarium tour 2000 Metallica, Korn, Kid Rock, System of a Down and Powerman 5000 at the Georgia Dome
Hetfield wasn't there so to fill Metallicas spot all the bands played together taking turns on lead vocals they even invited people from the audience to sing. Metallica came back a few weeks later and played a free show and they rocked.
2. Rob Zombie full stage show at BJCC 1999
3. Green Day/ Blink 182 Atlanta Blink 182 was ok but Green Day played a great set.
Zak brown band in nashville
Jason aldean at the vbcc,luke bryant opened and was really good
Travis tritt, clay walker, tracy lawrence at big spring jam was pretty good too.
Been to quite a few concerts and I'd have to break this into a couple different categories.

Based solely on entertainment value, Kid Rock (seen him several times), I also went to the DMX Godsmack and Limp Bizkit concert at BJCC and they put on one hell of a show.

If we are talking about best entertainment and performance (ie sounded really well and was visually pleasing) Hands down A Perfect Circle

Now I also would have to mention Pearl Jam, Allman Bros, Kenny Wayne Shepard Band close to the top for sounding good too!
I haven't been to a lot of concerts, just a few.

Best: Probably '97 or '98 I saw Third Eye Blind live at Spinaker's in Panama City. There weren't too many drugs there due to the controlled and close atmosphere which was cool with me because I've never used. The lead singer drank nearly a bottle of wine during every song in between breaths. Yes, wine. He had a different guitar for every song. About 3/4 of the way though he was so smashed he was laying on the floor, but that ****er kept singing while he was laying down and the crowd was going wild. People were jumping off the 2nd story balcony into the pools in the center of the club and getting hauled away by the bouncers. Probably 50 people jumped through the course of the whole concert. At the end everyone, including the band, rushed the beach and jumped in the gulf. I think the reason I like this one so much was that it got crazy but the crowd wasn't a bunch of drug addicts slicing each other to ribbons. It was just good people having good fun jamming to a good band with lots of alcohol. Most other bands people would drown if they all entered the Gulf of Mexico. No one got hurt.

Worst: Warped Tour Atl. 2001. Record heat highs, way too many damned people. I left drenched in OTHER people's sweat from my hair to my shoes. Tons of ****ing pot and drugs every where with people so ****ed up they were randomly vomiting on other people. I was there with a really fine girl who went crowd surfing and got groped (her own fault) but her wallet also got stolen while she was surfing. (Also her fault because I told her to give it to me before she did it and she wouldn't.) People in the front rows were getting trampled and had to go the the hospital but the crazy chick I was with refused to be anywhere else. So to keep her from getting crushed I pinned her in front of me against the rails and braced my arms around her and held back the crowd with my body. Within an hour of that **** my arms were rubber and I couldn't do it anymore because it took all my strength. To get out of the front row we had to ask a bouncer to open the barricade and let us through because we couldn't get through the crowd to get to the back again. Of course there were moshes but pricks kept turning them into fist fights and the bands had to stop playing when they developed and couldn't start until they were cleared. You couldn't even get through a ****ing song without a stop. Dudes would throw girls into the moshes and the girls would get beat the **** up and leave on stretchers. Looking back I think Warped Tour 2001 was probably one of the worst overall experiences of my entire life.

J. J.
Tom Petty at six flags in NY...he looked like death but sounded exactly like the cd in the car, put on the best live show ive ever seen despite the hippys laying everywhere drooling on themselves, Rusted Root puts on one hell of a show as well :woot:
Wyatt I did laugh at #2 molaugh :flipoff1: and I would love to see Cross Canadian and Jason Boland, damn Texas has the best country musicians, period.

1. Cory Morrow and Brandon Pruitt at Zydeco this past October rocked the fawk out, I was the poster child for hammered :drinkers: The crowd was small and tunes were LOUD, more Shiner Bock please. ;D

2. Kid Rock at City Stages several years ago, the crowd was freakin stupid packed, ****ers climbing the street light poles and ****. Halfway through my little sister texts me that she is locked up back stage and they would not let her out! You wanna talk about somebody that was about to come unglued in a drunken frenzy!!! Turns out security would not let several people who were working the show out because the crowd was so nuts at the stage. :wtflol:

3. Grateful Dead at BJCC the summer before Jerry died, HOLY **** at all the damn mary jane! I was in high school and this was my first real introduction to mass drug use (not by me). They turned the lights on between the first and second sets and you could not see across the civic center because of all the pot smoke haze in there!!! :****:

Honorable mention goes to David Allen Coe at what used to be Flamingo's, maybe junior year high school. Old guy was playing a medley sitting on a bar stool with an acoustic guitar, every 5-6 minutes he would reach over and grab a bottle of Jack, turn it up, then back to playing his songs. Damn at all the people crowded into a small bar, you couldn't move, but I didn't care because I was next to the hottest chick that I went to school with. :dblthumb:
Here is my top 5 favorite concerts
1. Stone Temple Pilots at the Verizon on Halloween Night a couple of yrs ago :eek:
2. Dave Mathews at Vanderbuilt Stadium in Nashville
3. AC/DC in Atlanta
4. Disturbed
5. Jason Aldean
I did attend an OZZFEST show at hifi buys amphitheater bout 5 years ago , but don,t remember much else but OZZY comin out & throwin buckets of water everywhere,

and hotties everywhere with the BOOBIE PAINT on, one chick got her boobs painted, the her nipples got hard & the paint POPPED OFF of em flashemifyougotem................................................................... course her nipples looked like big hershy kisses ;D

Other than that I don,t remember much ........don,t know why ............
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
I also went to the DMX Godsmack and Limp Bizkit concert at BJCC and they put on one hell of a show.

I was at that show as well, floor left side of the stage 10 feet behind the chick who kept flashing her breast.
grcthird said:
3. Grateful Dead at BJCC the summer before Jerry died, HOLY **** at all the damn mary jane! I was in high school and this was my first real introduction to mass drug use (not by me). They turned the lights on between the first and second sets and you could not see across the civic center because of all the pot smoke haze in there!!! :****:

That was EPIC, and I didn't even attend the concert. I remember my dad taking me to bham so we could drive by the parking lot where the dead heads were living... True gross hippie memories..
naked kids, jewelry made from human hair, sandwiches, double decker vw bus campers...
CheapJ7 said:
That was EPIC, and I didn't even attend the concert. I remember my dad taking me to bham so we could drive by the parking lot where the dead heads were living... True gross hippie memories..
naked kids, jewelry made from human hair, sandwiches, double decker vw bus campers...

I honestly had no idea how much body hair a woman could grow :puke: :wtflol:
CheapJ7 said:
That was EPIC, and I didn't even attend the concert. I remember my dad taking me to bham so we could drive by the parking lot where the dead heads were living... True gross hippie memories..
naked kids, jewelry made from human hair, sandwiches, double decker vw bus campers...
Millineum New Years 1999-2000. Me and a buncha buddies drove down to Key West to ring it in. Somewhere in the swamp west of Miami we get stuck in the ****ing middle of no where in a traffic jam of PHISH heads going to a concert in the Indian Reserve. We all got out of the cars on mulitple occasions to throw a football around. The hippies all had out their hacky sacks, and frisbees, and were openly smoking J's walking between all the cars, and I've never seen so many MicroBus's in my life. Hygene is not something on the priority list for PHISH heads is my only take away.
The al time best CONCERT i've ever been to was ont eh Cross CAnadian Ragweed Cruise in '07. Got to see CCR, Stoney Larue, Reckless Kelley, George Devore and Band of Heathens and they all played with each other throughout every set. If you like Red Dirt, it was cool beyond words. Got to hang out with about everybody that played there and got to meet them in an environment where they weren't being stars, but being people. I can say that Stoney and his wife are 2 of the nicest people I have ever met, Jeremy's wife is a straight running goofball and Cody and Shannon are very cool people.

Best band I've ever seen would probably be a toss up. White Zombie was awesome, Stoney Larue is always great and the George/Reba concert. ZZ Top was good, but didn't play enough of the old stuff. I'ma music buff, so hard to say. Another memorable one was Michael Buble', both times I've seen him, he put on one hell of a show and cat can sing. Ozzy and AC/DC were also great, simply for who it was.

I guess I can't decide...
InDaShop said:
Millineum New Years 1999-2000. Me and a buncha buddies drove down to Key West to ring it in. Somewhere in the swamp west of Miami we get stuck in the ****ing middle of no where in a traffic jam of PHISH heads going to a concert in the Indian Reserve. We all got out of the cars on mulitple occasions to throw a football around. The hippies all had out their hacky sacks, and frisbees, and were openly smoking J's walking between all the cars, and I've never seen so many MicroBus's in my life. Hygene is not something on the priority list for PHISH heads is my only take away.
c'mon wyatt, tell the story about the effeminate scream and hackey sacks and frisbees hitting the ground :flipgotcha: :flipoff1:
Going to see Kid Rock and Jamey Johnson tonight. Hopefully it'll be a good show. First time seeing both of them. I'd like to go to Bonarro this summer.
blacksheep10 said:
c'mon wyatt, tell the story about the effeminate scream and hackey sacks and frisbees hitting the ground :flipgotcha: :flipoff1:

I'd like to see your reaction at the same time you came toe to toe with a 10' gator in the wild :eek: I screamed like a bitch and ran like a fruitcake!!!
benfowler87 said:
Going to see Kid Rock and Jamey Johnson tonight. Hopefully it'll be a good show. First time seeing both of them. I'd like to go to Bonarro this summer.
Well, how was it?