Well-Known Member
the secret weapon did work amazing well. it kept a lot of mud out of the cab and most importantly off the steering wheel:awesomework:
I think you'll be seeing that copied by a FEW people. I'd thought about it before, now I think it will be a reality.
My front end sits three inches to the driver side:eeek:
haven't looked yet as there is too much mud. i will have it cleaned and inspected tonight after work.
hmm, curious. Maybe not doing that 2nd run WOULD have been the good choice.... or it was something that was waiting to fail.
Cant wait too see Lisa's pictures.:cheer:
X2, She gets some excellent shots, and is willing to stand out in the mud, rain and shrapnel path to get them :awesomework: :awesomework:
I took out two body panels (ninja trees!), put a hole in another radiator (which I think I patched at the race).
But thats the good thing, as it made me stop, park the truck and look things over and look why the driver's side front wheel was at a funky angle... turns out a cracked the inner "C" off the axle tube

If I hasn't popped the radiator, I probably would not have noticed as I wouldn't have driven it all the way back to the starting area (which worked it out). That would have SUCKED on the course... and been more expensive. I think my trucks trying to tell me something.
Oh, and I STILL need a s-ton more shock in the front. I want to think I can go a lot faster once I get that front end under control.