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Best in the West 2012

any word yet as to where the race is going to be?
So Beau,

WILL you be having a 6th event??

WILL you be having something on the 9th (anywhere?)

WHAT'S your thoughts right now?? (trying to populate my calendar and the rigs eventual fall/winter tear-down)
September 9th Best in the west has been cancelled. Please let everyone know. We will not be rescheduling it at this time. Season points will be tallied and We will contact the leaders for their awards. Thanks to everyone for your support and I look forward to seeing you on the trails.
Please support our sponsors as they support us!

Straddleline ORV park
Master Pull
Bell offroad.com
4 Wheel parts
You run a great series Beau, thanks for all your hard work to put on these events:beer:
thanks for a fun season, was looking forward to another race. looking forward to next year.

thanks Jennie/Katelyn #c05
I actually just e-mailed Beau a couple days ago... haven't heard back.

I hope so, it was a lot of fun for minimal cash and some good people!

well, I live just outside Oly, so it could be my saving grace.And I fuucking love to race...
My roo just wasna up to the task.LOL
Hey mark, sorry i havent replied to your email yet but im sure this is just as good. So next year I will be having 3 organized play days. I am still working on dates but everything will be open and anybody can come and play!
Hey mark, sorry i havent replied to your email yet but im sure this is just as good. So next year I will be having 3 organized play days. I am still working on dates but everything will be open and anybody can come and play!

So no more best in the west ?
Probably not this year, I will be taking the summer to play and make improvements to the park.
Probably not this year, I will be taking the summer to play and make improvements to the park.

Come on beau....You know it gives us all something to look forward to....Its just one weekend every few months....I know you can do it..PLEASE?:booo:
Probably not this year, I will be taking the summer to play and make improvements to the park.

I live ridiculously close.I am willing to throw down time for anything you need.Please, let me help.
i know nothing, can figure out anything, and am willing to be dirty for months ... :)
Xerious;y.... :)
I don't think that people know how much work Beau and his wife put into hosting BITW... And after the end of last year I don't blame him for taking some time with his young children he spent last summer barely seeing.

He waited to post his schedule and other promoters dropped event changes on the one that would have supported the upoming season!

I myself spent 4 weekends promoting with my buggy at shows and events on nonrace weekends... as well as others at the park cleaning and course designing with him.

It's gonna take alot more than " Come on Beau " to get him to commit to hosting next year. If you want to race locally It's gonna take alot of work and volunteers...

Again Thx Beau for a great 2012 season, Best turnout so far and the competition and spectator entertainment was epic.
I had a fawking blast last year.

I broke my front axle in half on my first race and attended the rest of the events sans jeep just cause it was fun. I could have been working on my junk.

If Beau needs help next year, please let me know I would be glad to help out.
Ya thanks Beau! Had a lot of fun last year to the ones I made it too. I just got my junk all fixed up after blowing the head out there.
I am willing to put in as much time as it takes.Seriously.Give me the schedule.You will never know until you give me a shot!!
I ain't talkin ****.
Just sayin.I have followed through with everyone on this board except Zoediak(because of getting a different job and moving over to this side of the state due to job)
Looks like theres some events in the works... all info from their facebook page


‎4x4 Clubs and Owners Straddleline Orv park has its 2013 4x4 schedule ready.. We are looking for clubs to sponsor events and or business SPONSORS.

APRIL 20/21ST 4 WHEEL PARTS BEST in the West #1

‎2013 We are looking for $500.00 sponsors. What that does is pays for the Trail system to be shut down for the week-end to allow a 4x4 only weekend. We are looking for Clubs to come in and host some of thier own games. The sponsorship will pay for 10 club gate fees and thier camping. With the sponsorship we would leave their banner or Sign up for the season. The sponsorship can also be $300.00 cash and $300 in giveaways for the playday!!! So 4x4 and Jeep clubs plan some playdays,,,,
Any info on who to talk to? I don't have facebook. I think my company could throw out a sponsorship. I would just need some more info.

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