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Best module/chip for 2006 Duramax?

When I ran my Edge w/ attitude on my 04 Dmax. The Tuner killed the truck 3 times. The 3rd time I was in Seattle on the viaduct:mad: Major pain in the ass. I unplugged it there, got home, pulled it and sold it. I will never recommend an Edge tuner or run one again.
Those running the PPE....

was it worth it? Mo power is always better, but more millage (or more power with little to no change in millage) is just as good. Smoke does not interest me (in normal running), and no smell.

Karl says he runs his on 2 all the time, any change in millage? What about when you start bumping it up (besides the hot rodding factor which kills millage faster than anything).

I was originally thinking EFI Live, since earlier research all said it was the ****. But I also don't see myself f'n with it all the time or modding the hell out of my truck. I'd rather put that money into my wheeling rig :D

When I first got the PPE I was set on level 3. I drove the truck like a grandpa and saw 20MPG. Mind you my best tank was stock driving like a grandpa and saw 24Mpg cross country to Chicago.

Level 2 this last tank I got 22MPG commuting to work and that's trying VERY hard to not make the boost gauge move, just nice and easy on the throttle. Mind you I have the LB7 engine without the Variable Vane Turbo and that engine code is touted for it's MPG.

When I set it to level 5 for a week or 2 I see 15 to 17MPG commuting, with the almost daily "drive like a pissed off teenager" bouts in there. However, when I set it to level 5, I tend to "hot rod" the truck more often because you just can't keep your foot out of it.
no matter what make it is.. A modified diesel has always gotten better mileage. As long as you can keep your foot outta the go pedal :;
EFI live is better because you can do more than use it for a tuner. You can change things around like accomodating for tire size, add an exhaust brake via the variable vane turbo. You can change shift points, run transmission tunes, and you don't have to be a tuner guru to take advantage. You can download pre-made tunes from various places online. Then it's a 1 min plug in recalibrate, and your off. You can also get DSP switches which let you load several tunes and switch between them on the fly like your programmers.

In addition to all that you can also take advantage of the dianosing features similar to a Tech II, you can also data log and watch rail pressure, and any other parameter of your engine.

There's more to it than "it gains the most power" which it also does.:D
Interesting, Jeff. I've got an Edge on my truck, Edge on Jason's (my tech's) D-max, Edge on my neighbor's D-max, and I've probably sold a dozen on GM, Ford, Dodge over the last year and more before that... I've yet to see a single issue.

I'd definitely be down to try something different, I'm always willing to educate myself to better serve my customers and help them get the best bang for their buck. Do you have a link to any good reading/info on the PPE programmer that you're talking about?


If you want I can bring my ppe programmer to the next wow meeting and let you try it out on your pickup. Hell that goes for anybody on here that has a 08 or older duramax, come to the next wow meeting and try out the ppe on your pickup.:awesomework:
Yet another vote here for EFI Live. It does so much it is an amazing product.

It will even work on the gassers. We have several 6.0 gassers and d-max trucks where I work. Most are duallys and most the time they are hooked on to trailers.

My boss noticed many of our employees have no regard to the law (60 max mph if over 10k (any DRW truck) or if pulling ANY kind of trailer with ANY vehicle)

So he came to me and asked me about the EFI I had in my pickup. I explained it would work in pretty much every truck he has, he gave me the $$ and I purchased a few extra licenses from EFI and reprogramed the trucks with an economy tune and to go no faster than 63 mph.

A lot of guys bitched but the boss and I just sat back and lol'ed. He also got a little break from his insurance.