My first ride at Piney Grove was a blast, met allot of good people saw allot of real tight rigs I have never seen before they build some sick buggies around there. The park is awesome allot of good hills very close together. I know Mark and Kyle as well as several other people have put in allot of time getting the park ready yall have done a great job I can't wait to come back and see the rest of the park. There were allot of hills I could see from where we were at that we didn't get a chance to check out. The ones we did get to where pretty good hills. I got allot of video I am working on now. I don't know some of the people so if I post a video without a name or I get a name wrong if someone will post who it is I will go back and fix it. Thank you to everyone that helped put on the event can't wait for next time