Listen I have 2 kids myself I wouldn't hide behind them as a reason to not do something. If the reason was well I'm having a kid and the land is more work than its worth ($) then thats a real reason. Or I'm having a kid and I want to downsize so my wife can stay at home fulltime, thats a real reason. Or I'm having a kid and my interests are more in what all that includes other than this park, then that is a real reason. But to just say The land/park is more work than I want with a kid coming isn't a real reason. My daily job is more work than I want since I have kids, I'd much rather not HAVE to work and be able to hang with them all day and show them things and teach them. Any of us with kids would rather work less and spend more time with the family but we all HAVE to work for the most part to support that family so to bring it all around to the point. There is more of a reason than what he said in his original reason and it just struck me the wrong way the same way people hide behind their wives or other family for not doing something, just be a man and say you didn't want to do it. Dont say you don't want to do it because of someone else, its almost like you resent the person for you having to change your plans.
So you