TBItoy said:I guess I'm missing the point of this (or anyone) changing their witholdings throughout the year?
I was under the impression that you pay X amount of taxes based on what you made for the YEAR? So why the hell does it matter when or how you pay it?
I never seemed to get back more than $1k claiming single and none the whole year (I wasn't making as much back then either), but it seemed like I could do Married and 10 the first 6 months, which is nearly $100 extra a week on a 40 hr week, way more on overtime checks, and still get back $500 or so at the end of the year or at least break even. Maybe it was an illusion then, I've been doing it for about 5 or 6 years now, this year is the first time I will have gone a whole year on single and none on my current pay scale. I will be able to compare to last year's and see if there is any difference. I just never felt like I got back enough doing single and none the whole year before.
I did like mentioned before, work overtime on married and 10 and bring home an extra $300+ a week on an overtime check. It's nice doing it like that receiving the extra weekly, but like also mentioned, if it works out the way it's supposed to, you should be paying in the same and receiving the same return regardless, but idk.