we can chalk tonight up to a learning experience. We didn't make a ton of forward progress but I think we are close to getting the hang of the bender. I felt like a toddler playing with one of those wood blocks with the dowels and shapes trying to put the bender back together but luckily things only fit really one way.
Once the bender was up and going we bent a couple more test 90's to get the feeling of it. I got down here 2 hours later then anticipated so even working till 11 we only put in 3 hours of work tonight.
I did all the hard work tonight, testing several cans of PBR to insure they all were cold and refreshing while Les fawked off and put pieces of metal together. We all know who the real worker is obviously. :redneck:
My job...
Les's job...
Les got the frame rails capped off and then bent up the new frame sections and welded everything on.
I attempted to use Les's propane cutting torch to cut out some plate for the motor mounts. Apparently using propane is different then Accetylene bc I eventually gave up and made Les show me how to do it right.
we'll get up tomorrow morning and hopefully get 3 or 4 hours in of work before Les has to head to work.
I am pretty good with a grinder though.
this truck might end up getting named The Fatty, I'm fat my truck will be fat (short n wide = fat). :redneck::beer: