Well-Known Member
Well some goodies finally came in the mail! Besides this I got the ARP studs for the knuckles and hubs. They will go in when it all goes together. For now I just rolled tires up and measured to get an idea of where theyll be.
Got the new front hanger in. I cut out the old one and french it in so it raises the front of the springs up some. Im going to build new body mounts off the sides of it and also run some extra bracing behind and underneath it. If I can get the money im goin to get a FROR front bumper for it too and make that work on the front.
Here it is all hung and tacked in. Once I get the third and longs from FROR I will put it all together. For now though I just rebuilt the outter knuckles and spindles put my new vented rotors on too.

Got the new front hanger in. I cut out the old one and french it in so it raises the front of the springs up some. Im going to build new body mounts off the sides of it and also run some extra bracing behind and underneath it. If I can get the money im goin to get a FROR front bumper for it too and make that work on the front.

Here it is all hung and tacked in. Once I get the third and longs from FROR I will put it all together. For now though I just rebuilt the outter knuckles and spindles put my new vented rotors on too.