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Broken hearted on V-day...

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::) I'm sure she thought about you this morning LOL.

Like he said give it about six more years you will be amazed how sweet they are to get money.
"Doesn't everybody in Walker County have a mohawk?"

yes, but you must be 8 years of age or attending your first Nascar event :flipoff1:

I saw this little girl during orientation and she had a full head of LONG brown hair.

Then, on the first day of school I suppose her Dykish mother decided a mowhawk would be the perfect male deterrent and shaved her little head, leaving only a mowhawk and a rattail. ::)

BTW, I helped fill out valentines last night and the rest of the class is mexican and I expect my son will be fluent in Spanish very soon. thumb.gif
6uldv8 said:
It sucks! Did I get a Valentine call from my firstborn from her comfy digs that I provide in Auburn? Hell no! But I bet "Brandon" already got phone smoochies this morning! ::)

She's probably sittin in those digs wonderin why DAD hasnt called HER yet... you better get on it Old Man ! :flipoff1:
Maybe you should go undercover... And infiltrate the V-day elementary Ring... Pose as a new student, and Make a Life threat to Mr. Cardine at recess :flipoff1:
Yep Jerry, I did the V day card assist last night too, thats when I learned about this Joseph character... lil bastard laughing

Thats alright they all give each other those lil multi pack generic cards. This morning I bought one of those HUGE V- day cards thats like as big as HB laughing Im also going to get her some flowers and what nots on the way home. thumb.gif
Deep South said:
Paul would be the new kid with cooties laughing

he'd probably take a beat down before the recess bell ever came :flipoff1:

HAHAHAHAHAHA !! laughing Never underestimate the enemy
Odds are you could get this kid a in-school beat down from a classmate on the cheap. laughing

Even better, slip a valentine from the obligatory blonde haired girl in his lunchbox and H.B> will hate him 4-EVAR :'(
Damn Jerry its a good thing you dont have a girl... you got the mob tactics and **** laughing
Deep South said:
I thank GOD we had a boy laughing

You got pain in your future son, wait till she brings one of them little bastards home dunno

Yeah same here, I say its so much easier to worry about 1 penis, than thousands. :eek:
6uldv8 said:
Doesn't everybody in Walker County have a mohawk?

Don't worry P...it only gets worse from here! Whatever you think about it or try to prevent will only be ignored by HB and her Mom from this point forward. At this age her Mom will assist her in all sorts of cutesy boy catching things behind your back or right in your face. Get used to it! loller.gif

Wow, thats probably the truest statement ever uttered on here LOL. These little punks come out of the woodwork like cockroaches. I cant ever use my phone at home anymore. Computer time? forget it. Shes usually on the phone, on the computer and text messaging on her mobile phone with several different people at once. Shes a little home wrecker. Busted up 4 relationships so far this school year, LOL.

They all seem to be pretty respectful so far, i havnt felt the need to threaten any of them yet. Well, just the one whos smartass dad bought him a 4 door 70s era impala as a car, the kid is scared of it and did like a 200 point turn in my front yard on the night of the first rain we've had in 9 fawking months. I bet it rivaled Ps landscaping work, but this guy wasnt even trying. Was just scared to back that boat up out of the driveway.

Oh yeah, and one of the guys she dumped rolled my yard. But that cracks me up. After i made her clean it up, we went to the store and loaded up and hit his house 5 times worse. She made me put the bags of salt back.

:drinkers: At least we have more money than they do LOL.
T is getting a new mohawk today guys and its gonna be kick fawkin ass cause my hair is long. I don't have to look pro. Anymore , now I'm just some other railroad fawker. It is on bitches. thumb.gif
My little angel called me a few minutes ago.....I was waiting on my Valentine greeting........"Hey Dad, my power bill came....do I have enough money in my account to pay it?"..........I said "How about Valentines day?"........she said"how about Valentines Day?"...................damn,she's too ,much like me! thumb.gif