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buggy bug

P said:
PIMP AWAY that goes for ALL vendors... )

sorry got on a soapbox for a second...

Unless you are selling cellular antennas to make my phone pick up better, then go the **** away.

Or blow up dolls, or used womens undergarments.

Actually post size and color, then we will decide :flipoff1:
hey Brian instead of spending all that hard earned money on a rig to go wheelin, you can drop down $20 and buy a DVD.


Buy this......I will meet you 1/2 way.

Cut the "X" brace out of the center and add it back last after you get the steering wheel in.

OBO means OBO :)
wngrog said:

Buy this......I will meet you 1/2 way.

Cut the "X" brace out of the center and add it back last after you get the steering wheel in.

OBO means OBO :)
You linked to the forum, not a particular thread.
wngrog said:

Buy this......I will meet you 1/2 way.

Cut the "X" brace out of the center and add it back last after you get the steering wheel in.

OBO means OBO :)

You suck at the internet! :flipoff1:
P said:
( rock mafia... this aint pirate if you wanna pimp your **** feel free to... use the vendors section, butt in on threads and derail the **** outta them whatever. Its all good and the more info and resources folks on this board have, the more informed and better decisions they can make. We all appreciate ALL the vendors that spend time on here and explain were why and how they do things. To ME, that is the correct way to do things. Its a tough market and buyers need to be able to talk to and discuss options and make informed decisions . PIMP AWAY that goes for ALL vendors... )

sorry got on a soapbox for a second...

I figured as much, you mean I don't need some $240 yellow thing to post?
1TONZR2 said:
how much for just the chassis and 2 coilovers.....?

I am not ready to split it all up yet. There is a ton of free labor in this rig as it is priced. Look at the pictures and see the towers on axles, the links, mounts, all of that stuff adds up big time.

My link material along on my new buggy was $800
1TONZR2 said:
well, whatcha got for 4 seater? have anything that doesnt look like jeep or toyota? what kinda price are we talkin? lead time? PM me if you wish or post up for everyone to see.

What do you want? It can look like whatever you want it to with the right hood on it. Most of my chassis's look the similar, but none of them are the same. Just sent this one out about a month ago. One like it would be $3400, little more if you want some kind of bumper/stinger/stuff to protect the hood. It fits a corbeau bench in the back, they take up ALOT less space than 2 indv. seats. This is the only one I have built where the customer gave me any input on the chassis design. I've got 3 rollers in the pipeline right now, 1st is about 1/4 done so 3-4 months. If you just want a chassis, we may be able to work something out faster.


There's alot more pic's in my sig if you click the red jimsgarage, there are several sub-catigories in the box on the left.
figured as much.....you said OBO LOL I know you could sell the axles and coilovers pretty easy.

I wish I had 14K to drop down on a rig like that....but i would have to sell my current rig, then buy everyhting else again. to much money for me right now. I do agree it is badass and would jump on it if I had the $$$

man, I like that chassis. looks awesome. what on it is different than what you normally put on there? what kind of space is in there? I am far from average size, so something kinda big would work good for me. lol
1TONZR2 said:
man, I like that chassis. looks awesome. what on it is different than what you normally put on there? what kind of space is in there? I am far from average size, so something kinda big would work good for me. lol

The door bars, the b pillar(s) back part over where the rear seat is, the roof looks like it's 3" lower than the others. It doen't have an X behind the seats(so he can reach back and smack the kids), the front is set up for more uptravel, few other tricks. It also has about 45' of heaver walled tube in it so it does not dent.

It's about medium sized inside, I can eaisly make it taller/wider/longer, whatever you need. Like I said, they are all a little different, no cookie cutter here.
Jim, sweet chassis for sure, love them all, maybe I will get bitten by the buggy bug and hit you up. You are not that far from boone either thumb.gif

1TONZR2- Dont think you could go wrong with a Jims Garage chassis, there is one running around here and they are very nice, and work well.
I figured it would be the dual B pillars. I like the way that looks on there, along with rear brow/overhang on the back of the halo.
do you have any other 4 seaters out there that are finished or close to it?
I built one other 4-seat chassis last summer. It's set up to run 2 smaller prp kid seats. I don't have any decent pictures of it.

Not really any pics after the first page, the owner's server went down or something.

I'll have to try and check it out today when I get home from work. damn gov't computer wont let me access that page......I need to start using google images, that is about the only place I check photos, unless it is on a personal server.
