I believe it may of had to do with threatening violence. However I am uncertain as I was not contacted why my thread was being locked. There was a warning issued early on, maybe it was doomed from the beginning. Perhaps I will start titling my threads less entertaining/controversial names. I think I should get some sort of achievement award, I believe I have had more threads locked without breaking any written rules or crossing a moral line . I am not claiming I am inocent of everything. My threads are usually very controversial/entertaining. However I'm never the one who crosses "the line" yet my threads are usually the victim and the individuals who can't have an adult conversation about a sensitive subject are not even warned.
Which is odd that the entire thread would get locked, when one person who wasn't staying on subject of the thread threatened violence.
You would assume that would be frowned upon on a public forum. I don't understand how locking a thread that had nothing to do with violence and not confronting the one individual who actually broke the rules is beneficial to anyone.
Also there was a guy funking a bear
Please go back and reread it and tell me I'm in the wrong we will have an adult conversation about it.