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Carbon Fiber axle shafts the next big thing?

Re: Re: Carbon Fiber axle shafts the next big thing?

I'm holding out for carbon fiber ring and pinions. D30/35 combo here I come!!!! Shaved of course...runnin cut 44" baaawggerz!
well sounds like you could have 10 spares and still not spend what one of the carbon fiber would cost

They'll come down i time like everything else.
Really wish they would make the driveshafts in semi's out of this. Would make life for us tow truck drives a thousand times better.
Re: Re: Re: Carbon Fiber axle shafts the next big thing?

muddinmetal said:
Almost all your 4000 and up horsepower dragcars run fiber shafts. Great for their use, probably not so good bouncing off rocks

Do you not think the release of a line lock from a funny car throws as much, probably more torque on the axle shafts than bouncing on rocks? I guess that's where overall weight and needing a pivotal front shaft assembly for steering will factor in. I didn't even know there was a such thing as carbon fiber shafts, but I know pro-mods and funny cars leave HARD! Lol
Totally different application, but martin Marietta?? Developed a completely fiber freight van trailer. Everything on the trailer was a carbon, or glass fiber of some kind. It was interesting to watch the twist in the trailer while loaded.

And as a pole vaulter in school, the carbon poles had a much quicker recoil than a standerd glass pole! Also never broke a carbon, but did a few glass.
Re: Re: Carbon Fiber axle shafts the next big thing?

Prosthetic legs are made outta tha ****! Good enough for me! :flipoff1:

Re: Re: Re: Carbon Fiber axle shafts the next big thing?

TacomaJD said:
Do you not think the release of a line lock from a funny car throws as much, probably more torque on the axle shafts than bouncing on rocks? I guess that's where overall weight and needing a pivotal front shaft assembly for steering will factor in. I didn't even know there was a such thing as carbon fiber shafts, but I know pro-mods and funny cars leave HARD! Lol

I once had a guy splain to me that a crawler bouncing up and down 10 times under full throttle was the same as a dragster launching 10 times, sounded good to me. :dunno:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Carbon Fiber axle shafts the next big thing?

race_jeep said:
I once had a guy splain to me that a crawler bouncing up and down 10 times under full throttle was the same as a dragster launching 10 times, sounded good to me. :dunno:

Sounds about right to me.