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Charleston Shooting

muddinmetal said:
Speaking of tin foil hats..

So this kid's uncle say he just stayed in his room on the computer all day for years... Yet he has only had a facebook for a few months.... So a teenager sits on the computer all day & and has no social media for years... Seems fishy to me

Maybe he was just trying to follow hardlines advise to find women :popcorn:
from the book of faces

I am just numb from this story in Charleston, South Carolina.

I find myself thinking:
"What the hell is wrong with people."

The white guy in this picture is Dylann Roof.
And this is probably the one and only time I will show his picture.

He was captured this morning.
He just a tiny little guy.
21 years old.
120 pounds.

But last night police say he walked into a prayer meeting at a historic black church.
He sat there quietly for an hour.
And then police say he pulled out a gun and shot and killed 9 people.

A woman who said she spoke to one of the survivors told NBC News that the gunman had reloaded five times.
She also quoted the gunman as saying:

"I have to do it.
You rape our women and you're taking over our country.
And you have to go."

There are also reports that the gunman told one of the survivors:

"I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to spare you, so you can tell them what happened."

I went on Dylann Roof's Facebook page.
It has since been taken down.
The picture you're looking at is his profile picture.

It's interesting to note that the jacket he's wearing has the flags of South Africa and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) both of which used to be white supremacist countries.

I also looked at his friends.
There were 65 of them.
And 23 of them were black.
I'm not saying that means anything.
I just found it odd.

There was only one post on his timeline.
It was from a black man named Marcus Stanley.
He posted it after the shooting.

Stanley is a very religious man
And at one point he was shot seven times by gang members as part of a gang initiation.

Stanley wrote:
"I don't know you, but when I searched for your name from the news outlets it led me here.
I don't look at you with the eyes of hatred, or judge you by your appearance or race, but I look at you as a human being that made a horrible decision to take the lives of 9 living & breathing people."

"Children do not grow up with hatred in their hearts.
In this world we are born colorblind.
Somewhere along the line, you were taught to hate people that are not like you, and that is truly tragic."

"You have accomplished nothing from this killing, but planting seeds of pain that will forever remain in the hearts of the families that lost their lives and countless hearts around our country."

Dylann Roof was caught during a traffic stop about 200 miles from the scene of the shooting.

Police say the gun he used was given to him recently by his father for his 21st birthday.

Who walks into a Church and kills innocent people?
What kind of person does that?

The mayor of Charleston said it was the work of a "hateful and deranged mind."

And the head of the NAACP said:
"There is no greater coward than a criminal who enters a house of God and slaughters innocent people engaged in the study of scripture."

I agree with both of those statements.

My heart goes out to the families of the nine people killed.
And if you hit "like" I will assume you feel the same way.

I should also that I plan to tell the victim's stories in future posts as more information comes out about them.

Quotes courtesy NBC News and the New York Times
muddinmetal said:
I may sound like an complete asshole, but have almost no sympathy for some of the victims... This weirdo reloaded FIVE TIMES... all while they cowered in the corner & begged him to stop... DO SOMETHING!!!!

Just like 911. If you were on either plane that flew into the WTCs your family should be secretly disappointed in you... Hundreds of people held up & flown to their deaths because they were terrified, as a group, by a couple of dune coons with box cutters.... Wow

Whenever I am in a big audience, like lately at my daughter's dance recital, I feel like I am a weirdo because I am always looking around for escape routes, likely attack points, possible shelter, possible ambush points, counter-ambush points, flank routes, etc. I'm always also casing the weirdos out in the audience, seeing if they have bags / back packs, seeing if they set them down and leave, see if they look like they're heavy, etc. I watch their shirts for belt-line bulges as they move around and bend over. I look for bags without owners, hawk-eye them for minutes at a time until someone finally picks them up. I'm not military-trained or anything, its just something I naturally think about. I would say that, even at her recital, I gave about 50% of my total attention to her and the other 50% toward tactical planning. Is that weird?
85toyo said:
Maybe he was just trying to follow hardlines advise to find women :popcorn:

1) I am not a teenager
2) I will not make a facebook
3) I didn't want any of you ****er's advice, I was hoping to figure out where these female members are
muddinmetal said:
1) I am not a teenager
2) I will not make a facebook
3) I didn't want any of you ****er's advice, I was hoping to figure out where these female members are

All jokes aside, I agree. The story doesn't add up.
hammurabi's code up in here. Except, cut his balls off and let him bleed out. If he stays alive too long, chop off his hands. He was pained, troubled, confused. Let him be all of those while he bleeds out to his death.
patooyee said:
Whenever I am in a big audience, like lately at my daughter's dance recital, I feel like I am a weirdo because I am always looking around for escape routes, likely attack points, possible shelter, possible ambush points, counter-ambush points, flank routes, etc. I'm always also casing the weirdos out in the audience, seeing if they have bags / back packs, seeing if they set them down and leave, see if they look like they're heavy, etc. I watch their shirts for belt-line bulges as they move around and bend over. I look for bags without owners, hawk-eye them for minutes at a time until someone finally picks them up. I'm not military-trained or anything, its just something I naturally think about. I would say that, even at her recital, I gave about 50% of my total attention to her and the other 50% toward tactical planning. Is that weird?

If you ever have a conversation with me watch my eyes. I am constantly scanning. Does not matter where I am who I'm with. My family, my friends nor I will not be killed easily. :****:
bad80cj said:
If you ever have a conversation with me watch my eyes. I am constantly scanning. Does not matter where I am who I'm with. My family, my friends nor I will not be killed easily. :****:

I thought that was just plain crazy eyes! :)

patooyee said:
Whenever I am in a big audience, like lately at my daughter's dance recital, I feel like I am a weirdo because I am always looking around for escape routes, likely attack points, possible shelter, possible ambush points, counter-ambush points, flank routes, etc. I'm always also casing the weirdos out in the audience, seeing if they have bags / back packs, seeing if they set them down and leave, see if they look like they're heavy, etc. I watch their shirts for belt-line bulges as they move around and bend over. I look for bags without owners, hawk-eye them for minutes at a time until someone finally picks them up. I'm not military-trained or anything, its just something I naturally think about. I would say that, even at her recital, I gave about 50% of my total attention to her and the other 50% toward tactical planning. Is that weird?

Not weird at all. Survival instinct. I do similar things everywhere I go. My wife thinks it's odd that I know what every one of our neighbors drives, when they get home, who visits and how often.
I choose to live my life happy, not paranoid. Shits gonna happen if shits gonna happen. I suppose to each their own. I'm quick enough with problem solving and mentally that I take things as they come. No matter what the situation. I'm not going to anticipate bad things happening. When I do leave this world I feel confident in my beliefs that it is gods plan and "my time". No sense in worrying about the rest. I choose to live life, not unnecessarily worry about life.
The nut cases mainly choose a church or a school where they think no one will shoot back. They are too much of a coward to go into the ghetto to commit their crime. With all of the Christian haters in this country now, church is one of the most needed places to carry.
patooyee said:
Whenever I am in a big audience, like lately at my daughter's dance recital, I feel like I am a weirdo because I am always looking around for escape routes, likely attack points, possible shelter, possible ambush points, counter-ambush points, flank routes, etc. I'm always also casing the weirdos out in the audience, seeing if they have bags / back packs, seeing if they set them down and leave, see if they look like they're heavy, etc. I watch their shirts for belt-line bulges as they move around and bend over. I look for bags without owners, hawk-eye them for minutes at a time until someone finally picks them up. I'm not military-trained or anything, its just something I naturally think about. I would say that, even at her recital, I gave about 50% of my total attention to her and the other 50% toward tactical planning. Is that weird?

I do the same thing. I cant stand crowds. When we go out to eat or whatever I have to sit facing the door and I'm constantly watching people. The girl I'm dating hates it but I cant help it. I'm like patooyee I look at belt lines, backpacks, watch their body languages.
My wife thought it was weird at first that I always have to sit with my back to the wall and with a view of the room, but she's used to it now. Although she still thinks it's odd, she knows to pick the seat that allows me to sit where I can see everything if she sits down first in a restaurant, bar, etc.. I don't think anything bad is gonna happen, I'm just very uncomfortable if I can't see the doors and room. No past military. Just always been that way. Reincarnated past life experience? lol :dunno:
You get paranoid of a lot of **** when the delicate life of a beautiful, amazingly intelligent, 3 year old daughter relies on you to protect it.
patooyee said:
You get paranoid of a lot of **** when the delicate life of a beautiful, amazingly intelligent, 3 year old daughter relies on you to protect it.


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