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Got one, the other that I had the pic for no showed. Sent her an email tonight asking WTF?

Couldn't wait to get this one home though and put it through its paces. I was really wanting to run the purple tired "Stickies" but the whites fit in the budget. So that how I'm going to rock out until a set in my ballpark pops up. :eat:

Remember even when flexing out to wear your safety gear.
Here you can see I climbed out and left my helmet after first flexing the suspension to see what all she had.

I got a lot bolder and RTI'd the flowerpot, that bitch was tricky. I need to work on the downtravel, she's real limited in the rear as you can tell since I lifted a tire.

Sponsors will be happy I got the new ride "Logo'd" up.

And at the end of the day she still took home a "People's Choice" trophy.

Booooyaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! :flipoff1:
Thats some funny **** right there.
The people who live behind me have one that looks like a gator, I wana take it so bad.
horrible white trash fuggers that live across the street have a jeep with the purple stickies. I mean 5 kids, 3rd baby daddy live in, sleeveless or shirtless on the porch that's falling off at night, all that good stuff. its a good neighborhood except that fuggin landlord across the street that takes the gov't assisted check every month so there is always trash there. hate it. The only nice car they have that runs every day is the jeep, so I would feel bad about taking it from them. :spin:
You got a good one there Muchado.. it has the "sticky" center strap on the wheels... thats good ****.

I have the exact same one as that that is already comp cut and flat fendered... I also have a Gator , and the Quadzilla :spin:
Seriously???? WTF? With all of the stolen **** thats for sale on Craigslist and they are worried about my $1 Barbie Jeep Want Ad?

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Date: 2007-07-26 06:13:39
PostID: 382290775
Title: (games & toys) Wanted -Barbie Jeep
I am looking for broken, no-optd, outta commission Barbie Jeep to downhill race like idiots when drinking. This is serious and I would like to source at least one before Labor Day Weekend please.


Location: Houston/Sugar Land
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or maybe you offended drunks and idiots? lmao

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