I'm going to post up a bunch of pics that shows the build from when I first got the truck to how it sits now. Then I'll post update pics as a go along.
smalltowncowboy said:looks nice but i hope you reinforced your front spring perches
zig80toy said:Please provide us with some more pics when you get those 42s on the forklift...:redneck: :redneck:
zig80toy said:Looking good man. One question: It looks pretty close in the engine compartment where your steering shaft has to clear the exhaust headers. You going to have enough room?? Moving the steering box??...
zig80toy said:Looking good man. One question: It looks pretty close in the engine compartment where your steering shaft has to clear the exhaust headers. You going to have enough room?? Moving the steering box??...
lilyota said:nice. lookin good. did you get the front of that monster truck fixed yet