Congratulations to Alan Clark for winning yet another SRRS SXS race. He showed up right on time after replacing all the right front suspension from a previous ball joint failure. Said he started on it at 5am Saturday moring and still made it in time race...

Despite missing the first race, Alan has made up substatial ground on the first place driver, Tripp Pullen who has finnished 2nd in every event so far, and has cut the points lead down to only 9 points back. Our final race will be at W.I.T.C. in september, so mark your calendars, these guys will be racing for $10,000.
The guy from Texas, Christopher Shull, showed up Friday evening to get a look at what was in store for the next day. He took his highly modified Arctic Cat WildCat up Playground and sheared his rear driveshaft in half at the top. We thought his weekend had ended early with a major failure. Trey owner of the park, was able to weld the peices back together, and had his machine back together by 9am Saturday morning. He had Boat Ramp spanked until he made the right hand turn at the top and the shaft gave way again, could've been the result of running 33 inch dessert racing tires.
We had 2 machines roll on Boat Ramp, Tripp Pullen and Jeff Roszell, but they both were able to continue on to the next 2 hills.
All in all we had a great time and got to meet some new people. Thanks to all those that came out to support this race and to those that were videoing, I hope you all got some good footage of the roll overs and action.
Jeremy SRRS