Well-Known Member
Here is a thought. A boot jack is the greatest thing ever when you need to take off a boot; sliced bread is the greatest thing ever when you need to make a sandwich; and indoor plumbing in the greatest thing ever when you have to poop on a cold winter night. Notice how each one of these "greatest things ever" are based on circumstances. No matter your circumstances or the circumstances around you, God is the greatest thing ever. Believe that!
Thats from my Facebook in 2013. Pretty sure I just put the word poop in a devotional
All joking aside, this has been a message that has been burned into my mind. God doesn't change because what we have experienced, what we are experiencing, or what we are going to experience. Our experiences only change the way we view God. If God changed with the times, He would not be worth following and there would be a Bible volume 2. God is the same today that He was before the earth was created. In Malachi 3:6 God says "I do not change" and multiple other places in scripture donwe see the eternal characteristics of who God is and his never changing love and faithfulness. Don't let your current or past circumstances fool you into believing that God is different today or any other day. Call to Him and let Him show you who He is and don't let the world tell you who we should think He is.
Thats from my Facebook in 2013. Pretty sure I just put the word poop in a devotional

All joking aside, this has been a message that has been burned into my mind. God doesn't change because what we have experienced, what we are experiencing, or what we are going to experience. Our experiences only change the way we view God. If God changed with the times, He would not be worth following and there would be a Bible volume 2. God is the same today that He was before the earth was created. In Malachi 3:6 God says "I do not change" and multiple other places in scripture donwe see the eternal characteristics of who God is and his never changing love and faithfulness. Don't let your current or past circumstances fool you into believing that God is different today or any other day. Call to Him and let Him show you who He is and don't let the world tell you who we should think He is.