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CL of the day

gsell said:
Maybe it's because I have had a couple of Red's wicked Ale's and I am not a ford fan....... but that is kind of cool....... go ahead flame me...... ;D

I'd like to have it to part it out into my F-150, then scrap the rest. :****:
**** thats a chick magnet,buiness up front party in the back throw you a cut off flannel shirt on,some dice on the rear view,and a tarp in the back fill it up with water,mobile swimming pool,oh cant forget the can of skoal,like joe dirt says,LIFE'S A GARDEN DIG IT!
kushKrawlin said:
ME!!! That is by far the ugliest fawkin thing I've ever seen!!! My god. I would not give 3000 for that. But then again, I'm not a "King" fan. Either of them.. :wtflol:

xjmarc said:
My dad had several El Caminos and even one that body style with a camper shell, because it wasn't fugly enough. I used to hate borrowing it when I didn't have a truck. My wife would sit low enough that you couldn't see her.