Wonder which ones those are. I have the 17.44:1 ones, the chevy cab ones were 22:1, I've not seen that type of wheel covering the planetfire6945 said:
the_white_shadow said:
the_white_shadow said:http://houston.craigslist.org/cto/5804257607.html
I have three words for you. CHICKS DIG SCOUTS. I actually have to clean all of the panties out the back before I sell it. Hints, the reason I don't have a picture of the back, would be a shame if you saw your old lady's underwear in here.
Bronco72 said:Did it fall out of a plane??? How the hell can a truck get trashed like that??!
MattB said:
Chuck19 said:
onepieceatatime said:Somebody needs this. Seems cheap http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2405242
White Power!
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
We had a few of those at my old job. I was told to shut my hand in the truck door to get my self good and pissed off and that's how you drive those motors.Bronco72 said:White power with a Detriot? LOL i guess as long as you keep that rubber band streched real tight!
poolman said:![]()
Chuck I'll pitch in $10 if you hold it for 30 seconds and video!!