Yeah I'm excited to get it. I sold the chassis, seats, axle housings, engine mounts, tranny mounts, atlas ring, radiator, links no joints, hood, grill, floors, hydro ram, and the skin templates i made.
-I've got a new front housing from Odie already, so i made some money and saved some work by not having to hack up the old one.
-I need a smaller radiator and i'm puting it in front this time.
-I'll get some 7075 Bunk Links and use the heims i kept
-I'm going to need a new front end, i haven't really givin it much thought beyond a TJ front, i want something else, but they all look so sexy as a jeep
-With a 54" chassis i think i'm going to get the 2" wider PRP's to replace the Renegades
-I'll get newer style steering ram
-Still not sure what to do about a rear axle, but figured a bare housing should be cheap weather it's a 14 or 60, and i already have gears and lockers for a 60 so who knows what will happen with that, obviously the 14 bolt is stronger but i've got parts already for the 60. I still need to think and research on that one some more.
-Basically i sold what i couldn't use and what i wanted to upgrade.
On the new chassis every peice i can possibly make on the CNC plasma will be done on it. BLING BLING:flipoff:
Finally, i'm going to be building it exactly the way i wanted it, and right the first time. Took enough beating around the bush but i'm on track now. I will start a new Build thread when i get the new chassis going. This one is History now:kissmybutt: