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ColeWorx's "Eleanor" - lightweight, built for speed!

I bet that changed their minds about tsls vs krawlers.he pretty much spanked everything wheelin in the country had in that video. Pretty impressive
Elliott said:
I bet that changed their minds about tsls vs krawlers.he pretty much spanked everything wheelin in the country had in that video. Pretty impressive
Careful with talk like that around these parts... laughing1
Damn sexy ass buggy :woot:
bigsilly said:
Careful with talk like that around these parts... laughing1

Im waiting on the "......only reason Krawlers did so well was cuz it was so dry....." comment...

Krawlers FTW :****: :dblthumb:

Now thats the buggy i'd take an ass whooping for hopping in and "renting" for a day loller.gif
Dayum...I don't feel that "cool" anymore.. :o That thing is one sweet ride. I would love to see some wheel speed numbers! What is the gear ratio in the axles?
98sierra said:
i will be shocked if its UNDER 4000... got a set of the heaviest axles out there besides rocks, no shortage of tubes, yes the motor is "lighter" than the ole cast iron tree fiddees but comon, look at some of the other more "conventional" buggies that weigh 4500 and dont have anywhere NEAR the tube this one has AND there runnin spider 9's and ****..

Wow not anywhere near 4k.mine was 3400 with cast iron block and a 205.
screamin blue weighs 3900lbs so i would guess this one to be around 3500-3600lb. and we weighed daddys buggy on a $30,000 set of scales we use everyday so i know its rite. elanor has a 4.3 atlas with 4.10 gears in the axles. and this buggy aint changed none of our minds about krawlers, momentum takes care of everything :dblthumb: as long as you got enough sack :afro:
once agin Brian and crew has done an awsome job.

my rig is heavy and it weighed in at 3540 cast iron block, doubler and sced40/80

my guess is 3400 or so
Rokcrler said:
Im waiting on the "......only reason Krawlers did so well was cuz it was so dry....." comment...

Believe me it was FAR from being dry that day! It had been raining for 3 days on & off & was still misting most of the day.

This buggy is awesome. Has one of those sounds that you can pick out from the other side of the park. Awesome job Coleworx & Mark!

But I'm gonna miss tha Sammy :(
jojo said:
screamin blue weighs 3900lbs so i would guess this one to be around 3500-3600lb. and we weighed daddys buggy on a $30,000 set of scales we use everyday so i know its rite. elanor has a 4.3 atlas with 4.10 gears in the axles. and this buggy aint changed none of our minds about krawlers, momentum takes care of everything :dblthumb: as long as you got enough sack :afro:
tell it !!! :flipoff1: some crawlers , they take the fun out of the climb ,guess ya might not tear as much up since ya dont have to beat um as hard ;D
Nice looking machine, but the owner sux. He sold the old faithful Zuki out from under me and I do not know why. I offered him $150.00 if he would carry the note without interest. Anyway I'm proud for you Mark and hope you really enjoy it. Also those those krawlers do good and if they will keep me from flipping I might try them.
Another DAMN WICKED CREATION from COLEWORX drool.......... :dblthumb:

Can,t wait to see Mark turned loose in it yall ;D

Anybody that ends up goin against him in that MOCHINE, wether it be in an ECORS race, or just a friendly game of "FOLLOW THE LEADER" at a park on a Saturday afternoon.......

..................had damn well better bring their A-GAME :****:

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