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Crap (Water in oil, 22R)

99.9 % of the time when people think they have a blown head gasket ot there 22r/re it's a bad timing cover.


HG's are very common mostly cause yahoos put "Stop Leak" in them and lower the cooling ability of the radiater while at the same time trying to mask or cover up for the erroded coolant ports on the head typicaly caused by lack of coolant changes.
Thats been my experiance any way.
Just my experiance with them. I have blown hg on my own trucks. Allways due to poor cooling systems. Toys should never run hot. Ever. Nomater what you do to them.
You bought a Toyota you have already been screwed!
I see in your sig, you've got all the Jeeps covered from "My Wife'll love picking the kids up in this!" to "Wow, thanks dad, everyone else in the cheer squad'll have so much fun riding with me!" :flipoff:

Yeah, cooling system is the first place I'm going after I get the gasket in, I know it needs rad hoses, they are SWOLEN big time. I still don't think it's a timing chain issue, it's pushing water out the exhaust, not just losing coolant and watering the oil, and there isn't a hint of noise from the front of the engine.
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yes sir
cooling ability is a life saver

(side note the 22RE AC radiater is cooling my 4.3L problem free, it has an extra row in it and in mine fits the same spot :;)

Its not cheap but money well spent on the rad>!!

2nd lil tid bit:
I have noticed that its almost garr-en-teed that the HG/+EATIN away head, will show its self almost exactly after someones 1st coolant "power flush" change of coolant at 90K

((Thats why I do drain and fills ONLY!))

the PSI power style coolant flush IMO will wash away the clots in that system that may be helping the rig stay alive :hi: ,
yes "its all ready broke" but it can last awhile that way.
Thanks for the tip on the radiator, I'll have to look into that, will it still fit with an electric fan? I agree, cooling is everything, especially when I'm going to be wheeling the thing. I knew something was up when this thing would get real warm in the 2 minutes it takes to start it up and move it from the back of the shop to the front. I drained the coolant yesterday, very, very low.
TrikeKid said:
Thanks for the tip on the radiator, I'll have to look into that, will it still fit with an electric fan? I agree, cooling is everything, especially when I'm going to be wheeling the thing. I knew something was up when this thing would get real warm in the 2 minutes it takes to start it up and move it from the back of the shop to the front. I drained the coolant yesterday, very, very low.

the extra HP to be gained with an e-fan is worth it, well,, if you find the right one ( I have not experanced this myself) on a hybrid faned toyota truck but , if you have a "great" battery and a desent stock charging system (with a tight belt) it should do you a good job..:beer:
Yeah, my charging system is fine, I gotta track down a wiring greamlin from the previous owners ghetto ass stereo wiring when I put some audio equipment back in, this genius made it so the stereo had full power all the time, I could turn the radio on with the key off and out of the truck, and it drained the battery if it didn't run every day:mad:
UUgh, 22r's. Ive had 3 of them. They all had a timing chain problem and rod knocks. One thing about the headgasket...make sure you retorque the head a few thousand miles after installing it..you would be suprised how much the head bolts loose torque.
TrikeKid said:
I see in your sig, you've got all the Jeeps covered from "My Wife'll love picking the kids up in this!" to "Wow, thanks dad, everyone else in the cheer squad'll have so much fun riding with me!" :flipoff:

Whoa, you don't have to be so mean(a single tear runs down my face). You know, I understand, you are constantly mad at the world, cause you made a decision to buy something(Toyota), that will never really be offroad worthy, so you take it out on other people. You know, if I see you on the trail, I will still pull you over whatever obstacle you need, no hard feelings.

Disclaimer: BTW, this is sh!t talk, I am equally impressed with Yota's, Zuk's, and anything else on the trail. If you are willing to take it offroad, you got my blessing. Hell anyones rig might end up pulling one of my POS's out of a situation.

My opinion on the head gasket problem. My dad owned probably 10 Toyotas, from a 1981 to a 1994(all 4wd of course), and every single one either blew HG, or rod. He thought he would try something else, he went out and bought an XJ, within 6 months, another head gasket. I hate to say it, but my dad just has bad luck.( I won't mention all the Chevy's he has put new motors in, I will save that for the sh!t talk with the FS guys)
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