Looking for man love
looked better with the rollers.......LAME
Kelly said:Thanks Johnathan....I'm getting PUMPED for Memorial Day weekend :clappy:
crash said:Ok the cross member is now notched/boxed and the front drive shaft is now lengthened...
Kelly said:Yey!! :clappy: :clappy:
Any other good news?
crash said:Ya I painted the drive shaft also :flipoff:
Still waiting for steering stuff and heading tomorrow to get the rear drive shaft parts and a nut for the yoke on the SYE kit.
robert said:Yeah. A toyota I know absolutely nothing about. Repair manual finally came in. So, I've got it right here and am looking at random things. I got so manythings I want/need to do to this thing. Number one right now though is a new tranny. So, I have to identify somehow what the hell it is that I have in here. I'm crawling under it Saturday and gonna do a lot of looking. Soon as I get that tranny replaced, I'll be ready to lift and lock it as well as start collecting parts for the axle swap. Front of course..
crash said:Well that ram is a piece of fawkin junk!!!!!!