Since nobody else in this thread seems to know Brian (Bushog), I want to personally vouch for him being a good dude. He's voluntarily went out of his way to help me several different times lately and even offered me some free, not so cheap parts just because he no longer needed them, instead of trying to sell them to me or someone else. Before that, I didn't know him from Adam's housecat. Says a lot about his character, in my opinion. I completely understand his frustration with this, not everyone knows everybody in the wheeling world, vendors and such. He ordered, paid, did not receive his parts in a timely manner, called to see what was up being that he needed the part to continue fabrication on his buggy (just like most any of you would do, if you didn't know the vendor personally, or anything about his business), and received less than sufficient customer service regarding answers as to what the deal was. I would have been irritated as well as I don't know anything about the vendor either, other than what details that now have been emitted in this thread.
I'm glad this thread worked itself out and Custom Splice was able to retain their reputation as being a top notch vendor. From how many of you that have vouched for the vendor, I can certainly assume that he and his wife run their business the way a good, reputable business should be ran, and offer great pricing to the wheeling community. The folks left in charge during the vendor's absence dropped the ball, which is not too uncommon when one fills duties he or she is not accustomed to doing on the regular and staff is shorthanded. So I completely understand that side of things also. These things happen. The thing is, aside from the ones knowing the vendor personally and understanding his agenda and function of his business, when you publicly market your product via the web, you deal with just that.... the PUBLIC, the majority of which knows nothing about the business' form and function. I'm by no means saying anything negative about the vendor, these sort of things are bound to happen and likely will not be the last. Some things are just hard to avoid during certain circumstances and it's more understandable when given reasoning as to why, to the customer involved...just as Brian accepted and understood the circumstances once light was shed, and retracted his negative feedback like a respectful human being should.
I just wanted to share my experience with Brian, so you all are assured he isn't the douche on the bad buyer's list that Wyatt is trying to make him out to be lol. C'mon Wyatt, don't be so quick to throw someone under the bus
