Love that TOYOTA
So, for our first Daddy daughter Jeep trip, Isabelle and I decided to attend the Jeep Jamboree in Wallace, Idaho. After scrambling to install the new engine on Wednesday night, we got loaded up and headed out. I gave her one of those point and click digital cameras to record the trip, and we were on our way.
Most of this trip will be viewed from the lens of a 6 year old. Enjoy.
Seconds after giving her the camera and showing her how to work it.
The obligatory photo of me before we set off.
What she was really interested in on the drive over. I told her she couldn't watch it till we got to the road with the "90" on it. Took her a while to figure it out.
So she looked at the scenery and took photos while she waited.
And she read books.
When she finally got to the "90" road, she watched movies. (Good lord I am bald)
And took selfies.
And more photos of the scenery.
Most of this trip will be viewed from the lens of a 6 year old. Enjoy.
Seconds after giving her the camera and showing her how to work it.

The obligatory photo of me before we set off.

What she was really interested in on the drive over. I told her she couldn't watch it till we got to the road with the "90" on it. Took her a while to figure it out.

So she looked at the scenery and took photos while she waited.

And she read books.

When she finally got to the "90" road, she watched movies. (Good lord I am bald)

And took selfies.

And more photos of the scenery.