So since the coating I put on the floor was now hard I went back into there. Near the beggining of the thread I showed a picture of the fuse panel that was dead. Along with that I had some other issues I needed to resolve and the best way to get them resolved was pull the cluster. OMG that was not an easy task since there are no main connectors on these instead you have 11 individual connectors and like 8 bulb connectors. But I did manage to get it out and took good notes for when it goes back in.
So I had 3 issues that I knew of at hand to take care of. The first was the washer pump. The car from the factory has a washerpump but it was not wired like so and had wires just ran to it and not using any of the factory pass thru connectors. I got the wiper switch undone from the dash and found this.
I dug out my multimeter and one of the books my dad gave me(I am spoiled with the wiring schematics I use daily at work compared to this old stuff). Well my hunch was correct on where I "thought" the washer feed wend thru the firewall. There are 2 main passthru's and one double wire passthru and the washer feed went thru there.
The stotchlock had damaged the wire so I nipped it and replaced that section of wire along with the trerminal in the switch connector.
And here is the dead fuel block---I threw that damn thing away.
I went and installed the blade style fuse panels I use on my custom wire jobs for my customers. The car also had nothing I could find in the way of power feeds for the stereo and instead somebody had ran a hot wire from the battery. So I went and ran 2 new circuits at the new fuse box for the stereo.
I still have to make a bracket so it can mount under the dash on the lip of the dash.