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Dad's stang...

Thank you everybody for the words, the pm's, the text's and messages and the support..

I have been at my folks every day and been able to spend lots of time with my dad, mom, sisters (I wish my brother was). My mom is really enjoying the help as I have been able to help her with things around the house.

Its funny as a young teenager there was a lock put on the door to the garage--because of this guy,lol. Ya I was bad back then with not putting dads tools away. These days I am totally different and quite picky. All of his tools are in the boat house and I did some stuff down there. When I came back in and sat next to my dad "Hey dad, I was down in the boat house and I made a mess of your tools"--He shook his head and laughed. I think he got a kick out of that..

Its really hard watching the change every day in him. He has gotten to the point to where he will talk about things that make no sense and from what I have been told this is normal. Something else cool is his brother came out that I never got to meet till yesterday--cool guy and for never meeting the family (except my dad and mom) he clicked right away.

So tonight I had things at home to take care of so I could not be with him but I called to hear his voice and make sure my mom is doing ok.
Sorry to hear things aren't going well ... My brother and his wife had to make an emergency trip from Montana to Portland yesterday and just made it a few hours before my brothers wife's younger sister (she is around 40) passed from a large tumor ... Scary stuff for sure ...

I don't have much to offer, but if you need to get away from **** I have room for camping in my field :D

Best of wishes for your family
Sorry to hear Mike, I'm glad you are able to spend so much time with your dad and family right now.

If your father is going to be on hospice care in a a skilled nursing facility or some type of retirement home make sure you stay on top of the nurses & nurses aids there to make sure that they give him the absolute best care possible until he passes. My wife is an LPN, she has worked at a few different skilled nursing facilities and has told me some stories that would just piss you off. There is definately a difference between a nurse that truely is passionate about taking care of their patients and one that is just there to get a decent paycheck. Not trying to scare you but just make sure he gets the care he deserves.

As tough as his death will be, just be thankful that you have been able to spend these last moments with him while making him one damn proud father. I'm sure that everything you have done for him has meant so much to him and that he is damn proud to have you as a son. Make sure you get out any last words you may want to say to him and just comfort him until his time comes..............:awesomework:
No Pat by the time they had returned from there trip my dad was too ill.

I am now staying at my folks place to help my mom as my dad has progressed to a point to where he is unable to converse or even sit up...
No Pat by the time they had returned from there trip my dad was too ill.

I am now staying at my folks place to help my mom as my dad has progressed to a point to where he is unable to converse or even sit up...
Time is short. You are still in my prayers, as is Krista and the whole family.
This is what the fair presented him with.


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Stay strong guys. I'm never good at this kind of stuff so I don't know what to say but you know you guys are in my thoughts.