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Diesel vs Gas

The problem is that most diesel owners don't use it to tow every day so it makes the price of fuel and trucks go up. If your not going to haul with it every day then don't do it. I town a 20' work trailer every day w/my 03 F350 4wd/4door dually. A 454 will out pull a 5.9/6.0/7.3 any day of the week. My old man has 385.000 miles on his and never been opened up.The other thing is they don't need to be screw with just leave a diesel alone and use it for work,not to make yor p@n#is bigger.
Had both, Diesel out tourqes gas engines hands down.
I hope I never have to go back to a gasser for towing.
Not to mention the econamy & how about how long the motor will last.
my old tired 350 burban towed just fine at 10 MPG lasted 275K and ran fine when sold.

my newer 350 vortec version tows just fine at around 14 MPG maintains whatever speed i want and can accelerate up any hill while towing. has 197K on it now and burns a 1/2 quart every 3000 miles.

gets 16MPG daily driving. sleeps two and a big dog.

i hate the smell of diesel...

its all in personell preference....:corn:
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A 454 will out pull a 5.9/6.0/7.3 any day of the week.

I just went from a 1994 Suburban w/454 to a 1997 Ram w/5.9 CTD. Both engines stock. Both rigs with 4.10 gears. The 454 pulled well enough, but even with larger tires to turn the 5.9 CTD easilly out pulls it AND gets twice the fuel economy to boot. Porter is right, you are talking out of your azz.
Hip said:
its all in personell preference....:corn:
Not really, as this thread was about which one performs better wasnt it? Not about how much fuel costs, maintenence costs, vehicle costs,etc. You say you are getting 14mpg towing, is this hand calculated because my friend only gets 10 or so while towing his trailer and rig with his 350 vortec setup. Not trying to start any crap but if people think gassers are as superior as diesels they are kidding themselves, as a diesel will win the pulling wars PERIOD. I have been there done that, and will never go back to a gasser as long as I tow.
Gas vs Diesel

Hey, why not have friendly competition between truck owners, no requirements as far as modifications. A pass or a hill can be picked, a trailer can be provided loaded with a given amount of weight that will be the same for all trucks and the myth that gas motors can perform as well as diesels when towing will be destroyed.

2004 Dodge CTD 4x4 Dually
HTTB 64/14 turbo SB Clutch
125 HP injectors PPE box
AFE cold air & Exhaust
FASS fuel system
Steve said:
Hey, why not have friendly competition between truck owners, no requirements as far as modifications. A pass or a hill can be picked, a trailer can be provided loaded with a given amount of weight that will be the same for all trucks and the myth that gas motors can perform as well as diesels when towing will be destroyed.

2004 Dodge CTD 4x4 Dually
HTTB 64/14 turbo SB Clutch
125 HP injectors PPE box
AFE cold air & Exhaust
FASS fuel system
Kinda what I thought too, but i dont think they would take us up on the offer.:looser:
PORTER said:
Not really, as this thread was about which one performs better wasnt it? Not about how much fuel costs, maintenence costs, vehicle costs,etc. You say you are getting 14mpg towing, is this hand calculated because my friend only gets 10 or so while towing his trailer and rig with his 350 vortec setup. Not trying to start any crap but if people think gassers are as superior as diesels they are kidding themselves, as a diesel will win the pulling wars PERIOD. I have been there done that, and will never go back to a gasser as long as I tow.

hand calculated to and from the con average of entire trip. out MPG all three diesels on the same trip but they were all three much older models and pulling full sized rigs i was only pulling my jeep.

as i said i hate the smell of diesel fuel and fumes so i will always run gas. its my personell preference.

as for economy i bet i been towing for 6 years on less total money than some of ya'lls yearly payments alone...maybe not as fast or as much MPG but overall less money.

but then again im a cheap bastard and refuse to buy any vehicle new. if i cant afford to pay cash i wont buy it.

not trying to say a gasser would pull or performs better just saying you dont HAVE to go diesel to effectively tow.
Had both gas (big & small block) and diesel.
As long as I have a say in the matter it will e DIESEL. :cool:
Hip said:
hand calculated to and from the con average of entire trip. out MPG all three diesels on the same trip but they were all three much older models and pulling full sized rigs i was only pulling my jeep.

as i said i hate the smell of diesel fuel and fumes so i will always run gas. its my personell preference.

as for economy i bet i been towing for 6 years on less total money than some of ya'lls yearly payments alone...maybe not as fast or as much MPG but overall less money.

but then again im a cheap bastard and refuse to buy any vehicle new. if i cant afford to pay cash i wont buy it.

not trying to say a gasser would pull or performs better just saying you dont HAVE to go diesel to effectively tow.
Sure you dont need a diesel to tow with, but that is not what this thread is about. It is about performance, not how much things cost. At least that was my understanding. Gassers have their place, but once you own a newer diesel you will never go back. I dont think anyone will debate that, as a newer diesel will out MPG,and out pull a gasser. That is my point, and that is what this thread is about. Not trying to insult, so please dont take it that way.:D
t1h5ta3 said:
i got bored and skiped the last 4 pages so forgive me.

me i bought my 03 ram 3500 not to be cool (but it helped) or because i currently tow heavy (or at all), but down the road i plan to. i looked realisticly and told my wife that id rather spend a few bucks more now and get a truck i wouldnt grow out of than have to keep ether buying a new truck every couple years , or make due with an under sized, under equiped truck.


Same here. Being new in the army at the time I couldn't afford a 1ton diesel like I wanted so ended up settleing on a 1991 f150 w/351. 9-12 mpg daily really sucked. Nice truck but not what I wanted. Finally payed off and some idiot two weeks later lost control around a turn, slid through the parking lot and totalled my truck. :mad:
But by then I could afford what I always wanted. 97 f350 crew 4x4 1ton stroken. This is one I will never grow out of. It pulls the 30' fifth wheel just fine. :cool: 12 to 15 mpg pulling without any mods is okay for me.
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binderbound said:
It was sealed for me about a month ago.

My old 02 cummins. My buddys 05 cummins. My other friends 98 360 gasser. Going from Salem, Or to bend Or over santiam pass. I had 8k, the 05 had 10k, gasser had 7k. The gasser couldn't do over 45mph. I had to sandbag just so I wouldn't lose em. I did the whole round trip on 1 tank. The gasser took 2.5 tanks. I will never tow distance with a gasser EVER again. My total mpg to moab last year was 15.2 towing 8200lbs and doing 5 over the posted mph. I love passing people going up hill with a trailer.

BTW, my new 06 will blow the doors off of my old 02(and it was bombed lightly), and I bet, it would smoke a fair majority of comperable gasser trucks out there today.

Yeah Rick, HP is HP but torque is what gets the party started. 610ft lbs eats everything else alive.

I've towed with a variety of other diesels and gassers. Love towing with an only diesel crowd. The gassers can't keep up and stop more often for fuel. Gasser's seem to feel superior until they get left behind. Diesel vehicle cost and upkeep is more. Not sure how the guy with the 454 has formed his opinion that it'll out pull any diesel.
wcjp said:
I've towed with a variety of other diesels and gassers. Love towing with an only diesel crowd. The gassers can't keep up and stop more often for fuel. Gasser's seem to feel superior until they get left behind. Diesel vehicle cost and upkeep is more. Not sure how the guy with the 454 has formed his opinion that it'll out pull any diesel.
This senario says it all. Very true though, I also love my 06.:D
no excuses said:
funny how most guys who have had a gasser and a diesel rig will not go back to a gas rig:redneck:
Yup, its the guys thave not owned a diesel yet that are making all the sour grapes excuses. Give em time they will come around.:corn: