I really liked that someone FINALLY put a cooling fan on a dirt bike.
:wtf: :scratchhead:
um the suzuki DRZ400 has had an electric fan since it's first year in production and I am sure there are others...
I really liked that someone FINALLY put a cooling fan on a dirt bike.
I thought the new EXC's were still street legal? I rode with a guy a couple weekends ago that had a plate on his new 530 EXCR. His was really honest street legal though, had turn signals and everything.
Somebody say street legal EXC ??? Bowaahaahaaa!!!
Just had the boingers revalved by Pro Race in Goldbar. Thanks Chad; gobbles up root ladders now like a Rotweiller on a Rump Roast!!
HMMMM who is this ProRace Chad you speak of???:eeek:
:wtf: :scratchhead:
um the suzuki DRZ400 has had an electric fan since it's first year in production and I am sure there are others...
:wtf: :scratchhead:
um the suzuki DRZ400 has had an electric fan since it's first year in production and I am sure there are others...
even if youre able to get a plate for any true dirt bike its not going to last long riding on the street/highway. the oiling systems on those bikes just cant keep up with the demand of extended high RPM's.
Not the case with everything. The hot rod water coolers maybe (I know the 450X was found to not be such a great dual sport candidate), but they made street versions of the XR250 and 400.
yeah, thats why I said any true dirt bike. they just dont hold enough oil.
So......does anyone really know exactly how to get my 500 street legal?