Yea the crimper is similar to above.
This is a copy of Hadleys pirate post from saterday.
Jason and mark headed south to race the rzr this weekend, I stayed behind to get some things tied up on the buggy.
With help from jefro I was able to find a belt that fit. At 76in.

Started wiring up the chassis side connectors. Ran the remaining drops to the temp senders and fan.

After gettin that together started on the circuit breaker panel

Got that wired up and hooked into the chassis side.

Then got the throttle pedal in and adjusted. Put the drivers floor in
And checked circuits. Changed acouple things around and cleaned up for the night
I stopped by a buddy's place on the way home from gncc race and picked up 4 wheel scales, then loaded all the rest of the parts on it where they would sit and put my kid (72lb) on top of the fuel cell and here is what came back.



L/R bias.

Almost race car like.