Well-Known Member
Big time diff in weight ! Steel weighs ALOT more then alum !
more unsprung = good. especially if you have the axles to handle the bonus weight vs. torque.
Big time diff in weight ! Steel weighs ALOT more then alum !
Are you sure?
Compare a 15" steel TR vs an alum. TR wheel. I recall picking both up and the alum. was heavier....
believe it or not it exists. i believe the process is Explosive, never seen it done but we have these bymetallic strips as the superstructure of some ships are alum welded to a steel hull. due to corrosion we are always replacing portions of them.
also not gonna work in this application.:fawkdancesmiley:
EDIT: The above was written by "someone else" under my user name:looser: :flipoff:
That women of yours is nothing but trouble :fawkdancesmiley:
Adding unnecessary unsprung weight is not good.
less weight equals less broken parts, an easier time overcoming gravity and you require less HP/TQ.
Steel is cheaper...
True wheel weights
Steel 15x8 5-4.5 = 28.5#
Alum. 15x8 5-4.5 = 18.0#
Steel 17x9 8-6.5= 39.0#
Alum. 17x9 8-6.5=25.5#
Trailready H.D. Alum. 30.5#
This is just the wheel No ring or hardware or valve stem.Weighed this AM on our digital shipping scale.
If anyone else wrote this I would say they were full of sh*t.
Where can I read more about this?
thread hijack
Saw a thread on tv about this, believe it was Modern Marvels. Pretty cool sh*t if you ask me. Able to weld different types of materials together using explosives.
After reading this thread and looking at some of the prices for 17" DIY beadlocks I can't help but think it would be easier and in some cases cheaper to buy a beadlock from champion or somewhere else. I found a price for champions and they were $250 i think for a steel 17x8 or 17x9 toy with 3.5 bs. Oh, and considering the prices for the DIY kits range from $150+ to $200 (plus the cost of the wheels). So, I am just a little curious if I am missing something here, such as some sort of advantage to a DIY kit. :eeek:
according to the champion site you can also get custom bs.
Get some cool,second hand aluminum wheels and bring'em to TR and we'll beadlock'em......200.00 per wheel complete with everything.I'll turn 'em around next day.
Sometimes cash talks and the owner listens but thats up to him soooo.....
IIRC youre eight lug......my wheels and tires would bolt right on yer rig.....$1700.00
if ya want DIY beadlocks get hold of "Jeepmauler" he does beadlocks!!:awesomework: :beer: