Lucky Jeff
Well-Known Member
yea, just give me your auto and swap in my 5 speed.. you gotta rebuild it.. But that's easy for you 

My opinion----IF you're gonna spend 1K on a converter, and do the rest your self....what if something happens to what YOU did, and the converter gets filled with crap, or just blew 1K...and get to buy another 1K converter....
Just pull the trans yourself and have someone reputable build the tranny...Also, flush or replace the cooler/lines ( I think there's an updated/larger cooler for these...)...I can recommend a couple local builders up here if you'd like mike...Been really happy with either one for work done in the recent past...!!!
Buy the parts you want, get a "good" manual,and do it yourself.
I like these manuals
Thats all that I used here
Mine does have quirks/ bad shifts but it is in the Tuner not the tranny. The trans doesn't like going from tow tune to race and back again all the time.
I would still recommend this manual and DIY. The ATSG manuals cover ALL of the ins and outs of a FULL rebuild. The drawback is ATSG won't cover aftermarket hop-ups. Your trans (for what you do and I think you want) should only need valve body and torque converter.
Ya--I am not looking to build a race truck--I just wanna be able to load it up and head out with no worries.....
If I had the $$ I would just take it to somebody....
The problem that I found is that the shops want a lot of $$$$ to build a tranny.
I agree. We have a few nicely pumped up duraturds come thru who have built alisons--and they were not cheap....
I've sold several auto trans. built by TRC in Kent. They do all the heavy duty internals, valve body upgrades, etc.... along with the billet 3 disk converter and stuff. I can get you a price if you'd like, and you could just swap it out.
Mike, I thought we talked about this at one time.Ya---dig up and throw me a number when ya get a chance john.
spanks :awesomework:
I would only recommend source auto for buying parts. They don't stand behind there work, and they are difficult do deal with. A friend had them do his dodge tranny it only lasted 3months then it lost second gear(mildly modified 24valve) they charge him to fix it. I would recommend dunrite components. I had my trans. rebuilt with about 100k, ive put another 80k on it with no problems (shifts great/tows great). Also With the dunriteVB and converter you dont need the billet components unless your truck has more than 450hrs at the tires.
would recommend finding a good local shop the uses the dunrite parts, so if you have problems you will be taken care of.
what about DDP in Monroe Wa.I have heard good thing about there qaulity and their just down the road from you.
good luck mike