Well the box came today and got it all hooked up....
And today, your tranny took a dump:haha:
Well the box came today and got it all hooked up....
notice a little difference??
I am sure it will.....
SHould be interesting what I get for milage on the drive to the southern part of the state and back tommorow...
it should be better. The mileage seems to vary from truck to truck.. some people run 1x1 and say they get the best mileage, another friend of mine runs 5x5 and says that's his best mileage, of course ya have to be able to keep your foot out of it.
Make sure you solder the wire that taps into your injection pump, loose connection through t-taps have proven fatal for pumps
I'd like to know what kinda mileage you get as well. I put my programmer on 3 today, and only got 16, that was with a mix of highway and city. about 120 miles on hwy, and 45 in the shitty.
If a dodge gets a little better mileage, i might break down and buy one
hell I got 16 towing my Jeep..
normally though with my driving habits (terrible) and stop and go traffic and such with the 35's. I get 16.5
I've been thinking more and more lately about gettin a dodge, 98-02. or should i get a 12 valve?
I'm not familliar with the box you guys are talking about, does it change injector timing? If not then it shouldn't change your mileage much if at all. Driver input/ driving habbits are much more of a varriable for mileage.