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Doomsday prepper


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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Have you guys seen this show on national geographic channel. Saw it the other night and it cracked me up how everyone is preparing for a war, with a stock pile of guns.
You laugh, but I think this country is one depression, nationwide race riot, or election-gone-wrong from a :afro: shooting you over the last loaf of bread. I'm not buying a pallet of flour, or stockpiling military grade weaponry, but I have been investing small amounts of money at yard sales buying hand tools. I mean hand saws, sickles, wood working tools, and tools you would use on a farm with no gas or electricity. I have a stash of .22 for my rifle, only because it is the most plentiful and versatile caliber in the world. I bought a book, and it's a BIG ASS BOOK, about primitive living. I don't know how bad it will get, but I'm ready for it.

Honestly, I think it's just the kind of cleansing this country needs. Think about it, all those brood whores who have never worked but have 7 kids, 6 different dads... The thug gangster shits... Those tweens who are glued to Halo and Modern Warfare 3... They don't know **** about self-sufficiency and they'll kill or be killed for that aforementioned loaf of bread. So essentially, you just cut that moocher-class in half, maybe more! Win-win!
5BrothersFabrication said:
You laugh, but I think this country is one depression, nationwide race riot, or election-gone-wrong from a :afro: shooting you over the last loaf of bread. I'm not buying a pallet of flour, or stockpiling military grade weaponry, but I have been investing small amounts of money at yard sales buying hand tools. I mean hand saws, sickles, wood working tools, and tools you would use on a farm with no gas or electricity. I have a stash of .22 for my rifle, only because it is the most plentiful and versatile caliber in the world. I bought a book, and it's a BIG ASS BOOK, about primitive living. I don't know how bad it will get, but I'm ready for it.

Honestly, I think it's just the kind of cleansing this country needs. Think about it, all those brood whores who have never worked but have 7 kids, 6 different dads... The thug gangster shits... Those tweens who are glued to Halo and Modern Warfare 3... They don't know **** about self-sufficiency and they'll kill or be killed for that aforementioned loaf of bread. So essentially, you just cut that moocher-class in half, maybe more! Win-win!

Good Posting.
Honestly, I think it's just the kind of cleansing this country needs. Think about it, all those brood whores who have never worked but have 7 kids, 6 different dads... The thug gangster shits... Those tweens who are glued to Halo and Modern Warfare 3... They don't know **** about self-sufficiency and they'll kill or be killed for that aforementioned loaf of bread. So essentially, you just cut that moocher-class in half, maybe more! Win-win!

:eat: :woot: :woot: :woot: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb:
damn right !
5BrothersFabrication said:
You laugh, but I think this country is one depression, nationwide race riot, or election-gone-wrong from a :afro: shooting you over the last loaf of bread. I'm not buying a pallet of flour, or stockpiling military grade weaponry, but I have been investing small amounts of money at yard sales buying hand tools. I mean hand saws, sickles, wood working tools, and tools you would use on a farm with no gas or electricity. I have a stash of .22 for my rifle, only because it is the most plentiful and versatile caliber in the world. I bought a book, and it's a BIG ASS BOOK, about primitive living. I don't know how bad it will get, but I'm ready for it.

Honestly, I think it's just the kind of cleansing this country needs. Think about it, all those brood whores who have never worked but have 7 kids, 6 different dads... The thug gangster shits... Those tweens who are glued to Halo and Modern Warfare 3... They don't know **** about self-sufficiency and they'll kill or be killed for that aforementioned loaf of bread. So essentially, you just cut that moocher-class in half, maybe more! Win-win!

This guy for President! :****:

Great post!
I made a joke about this in the breakroom at work only to learn 3 people in there were building food pots.(to store food up to 12 months) They had hiding places around a river and stock piling ammo. One was wanting to turn a room into a bomb shelter. It was awkward but then agian it was work.
Do get me wrong i am all about preparing for a disaster, and keeping your family safe but some people on that show just act like that are going to war. They train their family in all types of tactical scenarios and think of everyone as the enemy. Hell war has been going on for 10 year and i doubt any of those people have had a part in any conflict. I just do not see how you look forward to the day when you see the worse in people.
It's like when your computer or smartphone shits the bed, what do you do? You turn it off, wait, then restart. Whatever was BOGGING DOWN YOUR SYSTEM is gone now. Same thing applies with society. I mean, let's be honest here- people suck. You take a tight knit but small group of family/friends and hide out and wait on the buzzer after the spin cycle. I have made up my mind on who I am telling about this, and they are all able-bodied. Sad to say, grandma, parents, and elderly aunts and uncles will not be taken. You figure 1.2 acres of crop and 4 deer just to keep 1 person alive for a year. So it will be tough for you to make those kinds of decisions, but feeding 2 or 3 extra mouths might kill the entire family. Just food for thought, pun not intended.
I've got 82 acres with plenty of animals and 2 natural clean springs. I have daydreamed about what I would do in this situation while sitting in my treestand for hours on end. I'm not stockpiling ammo and food, but I do have enough guns, ammo, land, and know how to keep my wife and kids alive. At least untill the people like me run out of food and start hunting down the people trying to stay out of the way.
Winter is key. When you can't grow, canned foods, canning your own veggies as well as hunting game will be crucial. Also, heating your home will be life or death. You can't start a fire in a mobile home or camper, that almost NEVER turns out well. A kerosene stove will do if that's what you are holing up in. If you can protect your goods and ride out the first winter, I would wager that half of all looters would be dead by then. I've also been doing my homework on a gasifier.
Intro to Gasification (Part 1 of 3)
Migrating to Florida had crossed my mind as well. But if inflation hits and causes a kind of mass-inflation economic crash, then fuel will be like gold. I would get ambushed on my way down driving around parading 2 55gal drums of petro. Like I said before, ride out the winter and get a feel for what kind of people are left around.
Yes maybe by then most of the trash will be taken out :dunno:

But it will be sketchy the first two or three weeks that the "electricity and all that goes with it" is , well , "cut off " :eek:

zukiscott said:
Yes maybe by then most of the trash will be taken out :dunno:

But it will be sketchy the first two or three weeks that the "electricity and all that goes with it" is , well , "cut off " :eek:


Ever seen "The Trigger Effect"?


It has some stupid friend/interpersonal drama, but really gives an idea of how our society breaks down from a simple extended power outage.
Every thing ive heard or researched points to within the first 3 days most of the stores will be empty because of the ( non prepers ) 4 to 10 days is when the ( zombie effect ) will start . Thats when people start getting bat **** crazy due to hunger and shock of the realalty of the moment . Warning this is where i quit shugar coating this post .... people like me that live in subburban areas IF this is the way it goes may be forced to take leathal action upon neighbors and others . I recomend 2 in the chest aka center mass and follow up with 1 in the head depending on cal. of wepon and qty. of said amo. Small groups are key its easayer to sleap when 1 to 3 of youre group are watching youre back and vice versa team work , team work , team work it worked thousands of yrs ago and it will work now . Tacttical training and living off what the land provides will also be important as well as being abel to use what available to you at the time . As far as transportation think old school ( older the better ) youre 600hp exotic fueled atna hill killer will be worth less so strip it for what you can really use off it . The 90% set of TN cut tsl's stay behind stick with whats popular and what you could rob off abandoned vheicals also any spare parts you can get free or cheap will be good dont throw it out just yet . Theres tons more i could go on about but it really comes down to comon sense which this group has a lott of . :indianajones: F.T.W :indianajones:
Exactly, B3. I have a bugout location somewhere close, but faaaar away from looters. I was in the army and am well aware of the one shot one kill, conserve ammo. I believe while people are tearing apart the grocery stores, I will be at Lowes getting a new tiller or ten, a ****-ton of seed, and a trailer full of 2x's, nails, screws, and anything solar I can get my hands on. But I doubt if anyone but employees will even think of hitting a US Foods, IJ, or Sysco. I don't know if it would be worth the risk when **** hits the fan though. Perhaps if you inserted as a tactical infantry team, you could provide enough security to pull it off. But you would need a box truck full, you wouldn't risk that twice.
I have put ALOT of thought into this, because the signs are everywhere. Geitner is raising inflation to artificially bring unemployment down (he denies it though), Eric Holder and "Fast and Furious" scandal was about inciting violence to reign in your 2nd amendment right (which he denies), and Obama's creation of his "citizen army" and the executive order stating the government can and will use emminent domain or confiscate your crops, weapons, or supplies to be re-purposed for gov't use at their discretion. Only a matter of time, my friends.