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Dui checkpoints in Evarts, KY, common thing?

Our group goes to harlan 2-3 times a year. Stay in Evarts campground behind what used to be the dairy hut and have never been through a check point. Normally just show permits at the guard shack to the constable and cruise back to camp.
I never accused anyone of being drunk and I do sell a lot of alcohol. Secondly, I haven't had a drop in a while.

I semi-retired a month back and have been focusing on getting in good physical shape and getting my property cleaned up and my buggy together.

That being said, three beers for me at that park would be three too many. Hell, if I am driving, I won't have a beer unless some crazy **** happens and I need to calm down just a bit. Been known to have a beer and a cigarette to help the nerves. Ask Natedawg.....he can tell ya.
I've seen them set up checkpoints during the April Fools ride and Fall Crawl. Group in sxs that camped next to us had two drivers get arrested.
boltnutguy said:
No worries. I know my limits, I will continue to support your semi-retirement. :****:

Thank you kindly. I promise I wasn't trying to be a ****. Maybe I'll have to have a small sip before I post so I can find a little funnay.
I went through one in Harlan in March of 2014 and should not have made it through. Had too much to drink and tags were out of date by 2 days. Checked my license and told me to have a good night. That's about all I'll say. I think its more for the locals, but not limited to them. Why I don't know. It was state troopers.
The ones you see by the bridge on the main road are not geared towards catching the off road crowd, I can assure you of that. As long as you don't make a scene or act like a fool you will be fine.
This one was coming our of downtown Harlan toward evarts. It was beside the big overflow tunnels in the mountain.
Was down there this passed weekend as well but stayed on the Putney side. No reason for us to go into town though so never saw any checkpoint or anything.

Were you the group of two Cherokees? I think you guys passed us at killin time and lower profanity if so. Buddies rig was broke down damn rain was rough on us is weekend

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