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ECORS race #1 for 2013, Dayton, TN March 23!!!

ridered3 said:
Where's the post race info???

everyone is too tired from 4 hours of racing

what do you want to know?

here's a little write up i did on my club forum on our experience

ECORS Dayton, TN
Josh, Joe, Mike and I left Thursday night and got to Dunlap, TN and spent the night in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Joe got to check a Wal-Mart parking lot stay off his bucket list! We got up early Friday morning to drive the 15 miles to the event location. We set up camp and got everything ready to tech the buggy and pre-run the course. We had done a little scouting on the rhino already so we had a pretty good idea what was in store. The fast section of the course was pretty good, they had some water diverters they used for "jumps" and a small rock section, you had to drop into a hole and climb back out of. The main rock area had a pretty good drop off and a couple choices for climbs. We ran the drop off two or three times on two different spots that way we would have options if one of the drop off spots was not available. The climbs were pretty technical and with window nets you really can't lean out and see your tires like normal. So we opted for the big hill climb on the end. It was pretty intimidating to look at but after we tried it once, it wasn't bad at all. Carry a good amount of momentum up and over and you were good or you can air it out a little too! After we pre ran the course we went back to camp to go over the buggy and get ready for qualifying.

Our first qualifying run didn't turn out like we wanted, at all. They announced that we would be running the A class course for qualifying. The only main difference is the rock area and that we didn't have to go through the hole out in the fast section. We had never ran the A class rock section but it seemed like nothing to worry about. We had a smoke'n run going. Joe timed us at about 3 minutes to the rock section and when we came off the drop of flying we tried to cut the corner and found out that there was a large hole there. We rolled and came to a stop on my side, josh and I crawled out and called it good from there. We got up righted and head'd back to the pits to lick our wounds and get ready for our next run. We decided to slow down and just get a qualifying run in and we still came in fairly decent with a 6:06 time but what we didn't know was since we quit our first run we were given a 5 minute penalty on top of the slowest C class run and then those two times we're put together to get our starting position. Really not a big deal but just kinda sucked.

On race day we had a few more folks around to give us a hand and hang out. Terry & Mary Jo, Lori, Jill, Jason & Sherri Davis all came out to support us. We went over all the nuts & bolts, connections, etc. on the buggy to make sure we didn't miss anything before the race. Our class didn't start until 4:30pm so we had plenty of time to get everything together and relax.

We were the 3rd pair off the line for our class, we had a good start and got out in front of the team we lined up against off the line. We then came up on Jason Corlew and Steve, they were dead in the middle of the water crossing, Jason had hit it a little to hard and killed the engine. Luckily there was just enough room to slide past them on the right, just had to climb a tire to get through. Off again, we ran the rest of the first lap with out any traffic. On the second or third lap we came up on the Benz buggy and followed him pretty close for a lap and then passed him on the second lap we were behind them. After that we cruised pretty good and there wasn't much traffic at all. We would come up on some of the B class rigs and they would let us by pretty quickly. The only buggy in front of us was Chicky Barton, then all of a sudden he would come up from behind us. He did that a couple of times and Josh and I thought he was running crazy fast but as it turns out he was having to pit every 2-3 laps and at those points we were actually in front of him. We had decided to pit after the first hour to get fuel and that would give us an idea how often we would have to pit for fuel. After only taking 5 gallons, we knew we could run 2 hours before we would need fuel again. We set out again feeling pretty good about the race, we were running a pace Josh and I both felt good about and we thought we could finish the race at the pace we were running. We ran a couple more laps, then all of a sudden I looked down and saw no oil pressure! We we're with in 100 yards of the pits so we head'd in. After we all assessed the situation, we decided to head back out. We got about a quarter of the way through the track when the engine started to knock. I pulled off and we jumped out to check out everything. We tried to fire it back up to check something and it wouldn't turn over. We were DONE…..got a tow back to camp and started to rehydrate with some cold beer.

It was a great day despite being taken out by the oil pressure issue. We will get it fixed and come back ready to go in May! I think we learned a lot and will continue to learn more as we get more seat time and laps behind us.

As it turns out, the oil pump psi regulator valve seized up and caused the instant no oil pressure issue.
chiky only knows KOH speed. i dont think he lifted once that weekend haha........theres nothing else like rock racing cant wait for it to come back
Wizzo, didn't know that was you! I feel like a total doucher for not stopping and saying hello! Guess the buggy looks a lil different with sponsors on it... :dunno:
5BrothersFabrication said:
Wizzo, didn't know that was you! I feel like a total doucher for not stopping and saying hello! Guess the buggy looks a lil different with sponsors on it... :dunno:

should've stopped by! yeah, had to throw the sponsors on, they are the only reason i'm able to race!