Oh my! I guess I missed that. I hope he is ok.
Yeah just some stitches im sure....
Oh my! I guess I missed that. I hope he is ok.
Great time, thanks to everyone that helped out...:cheer:
Congrats to our raffle winners Deb(beadlocks) and Rick(fishing trip)...
We got a lot of work done, got rained on here and there and hung out by the fire at night...
Yeah, I hit Corey with a bar... He's doing all right, had to get 7 stitches I believe...
I not trying to start anything but who decided that this line is impassable?
I have driven this line every time I have been in Elbe for the last few months. Rigs like mine make short work of it and I (and I'm sure others with rigs like mine) would hate to loose this line.
The ledge on the Gotcha can be done by a rig that fits the trail recommendations provided the driver knows the line and how to drive.
Thanks to all of the volunteers for both days. We get to keep using these trails because of the dedicated crews that put in their time and/or donate money to these trail maintenance parties. That and, Nancy Barker & the DNR have been fantastic partners to work with.
We kept the ledge open & closed off the far right side...also dropped a few boulders into the hole, but after a few rigs made attempts some of them shifted. Should be just fine after a few more rigs run it.
That guy in the second picture down wearing the blue shirt is one good looking S.O.B.
ouch! Just remember.......paybacks are a bitch! :awesomework: