-Oh no I picked a side-
Stop figuring and make a decision! 7:30 there works for me.... :cheer:
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat :fawkdancesmiley:
Ok Bill said 7:30

Stop figuring and make a decision! 7:30 there works for me.... :cheer:
I think your a week ahead unless your going this weekend also.
Sorry Mike, being out here and working odd hours I haven't been good about keeping up with the plan.
We should plan to meet at 8:30 to be in the staging area by 10am.
There is a Forza in the WalMart parking lot so there will be plenty of room for all the rigs and trailers. You can get your coffee fix.
9909 168th St. E #101, Puyallup, WA
Sounds good to me....So Mike, we meet at Fred Meyer's in Totem Lake and then we drive to Puyallup to meet Nick? Whatcha think?
Don't break the jeepI'm staying in samammish with my dad Friday, so ill see you in kirkland! We will be grabbing breakfast at McDonald's around 720, its just off 405 there
I'm staying in samammish with my dad Friday, so ill see you in kirkland! We will be grabbing breakfast at McDonald's around 720, its just off 405 there
Since I don't know Elbe who knows the trails because I sure aint leading :haha:
If nobody that really knows Elbe is there I should be able to lead us around fairly well, I've been out there enough, but I'm usually following or I have Derrick in the passengers seat telling me where to go, lol.
sam we should meet at 7am. from there we can meet crash in totem lake or forza coffee. either way it doesn't matter to me
Oh gawd we are doomed :haha::haha:
If nothing happens in the next 24 hours I am in for the treck :cheer:
Then don't do anything for 24 hours :fawkdancesmiley:
Since I don't know Elbe who knows the trails because I sure aint leading :haha: