Re: Re: Elf On The Shelf Thread
After a sugar high time to crash out
After a sugar high time to crash out

Not until Christmas Evezukimaster said:I got a feeling this not is not going to end soon!
That's funny too!Steele3 said:Cant post pictures on this tablet, but look up "whore in a drawer", for those who would rather see Barbie instead of creepy elves.
Wife said they were starting it at work, its a scant clad Barbie with a mini bottle of Jack.![]()
joho75287 said:No - not even remotely close.
I hate the over commercialization of Christmas and loathe lying to my kids. I also have always disliked kids thinking that stuff magically appears for them. Maybe it's my self centeredness, but I prefer them knowing their mom and dad work for the gifts they receive.
Last - Elf on a shelf is just plain creepy.
All the more power to those that want to do it. I was just giving my opinion about it.
Wait.. So your kids have never ran down to see wat Santa brought them?????? No way. Really??? This has to be un-American .. :'( Holy **** man. Hell I'm guessing no Xmas tree either? man i can't imagine not goin to sleep on Xmas eve waitin on Santa.. And I'm guessing that if they had believed in Santa one day when they were older that they might figure out it was y'all all along. Shits kinda depressing. Not tryin to piss u off, just my opinion .. Dam those are some of my best times I can remember. So I take it the tooth fairy is out of the question also? Hahaha
I know a lot of folks tell their kids Saint Nick ain't real but damn what about the magic of Christmas morning and all the time after Thanksgiving? I'm not a perfect parent not was a perfect child and have no intention to be cause I'm not Jesus the real reason for the season. I hated Christmas after my fathers death but after having a child it became fun again the magic was back.85buggy said:I agree Kush. One of the saddest days ever. It's like June maybe. I get home my
daughter tells me there's no Santa. Broke my heart. Took all the fun right oughta Christmas
We bought there gifts in Pigeon Forge last week wrapped them up. But woo hoo.
What's the use.
85buggy said:I agree Kush. One of the saddest days ever. It's like June maybe. I get home my
daughter tells me there's no Santa. Broke my heart. Took all the fun right oughta Christmas
We bought there gifts in Pigeon Forge last week wrapped them up. But woo hoo.
What's the use.
Me too. But it was fun before that lolmuddinmetal said:My parents tried, but I figured out that Santa, the Easter Bunny, & the Tooth Fairy weren't real when I was 5... So much for that
money_pit_yj said:The use is, that we need to teach our kids that Christmas is about more than "getting". We are trying everything we can to deprogram our kids from this mess that they have to get an xbox and three games and this and that and more more more. It is hard, but we are adopting a family this year and giving them the majority of what we would have spent on presents and told our whole extended family we were getting small sentimental gifts instead of electronics and clothes. I love the idea of Santa and giving kids stuff, but the reality is that my kids have more than enough and there are kids out there whose parents don't even want them around plus Christmas is about something far greater than Santa. No matter what your religious stance is, Christmas has always been a celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world, who was born in a barn 2000+ years ago and that is really enough. I love seeing the joy on my boys face when they get up Christmas morning and see their stuff, but I hope that over time their joy would come from seeing another kid who has nothing get excited over a small gift or a warm meal, or getting to spend all day with their family. I think that is what we are missing. BTW We do have an Elf on the Shelf, we do Santa Clause, I dress up like cousin Eddy for Christmas parties, and all that other commercial stuff, I am just trying to keep it under control and teach my boys that there is so much more!
I think we have been away from the real reason of Christmas for as long as I can remember.. I'm really not want to preach because I know I have ALOT to work on. But one thing I am sure of is the real reason for Christmas. Another one is, this moron knows where he's goin win I kick the bucket . I know everyone has their own beliefs, I don't try to change peoples opinion or judge people.. But I think every year we as a country get further and further away of what it's really all about. Loops Sorry got sidetracked,, back to topic..
I sure hope they don't go to school until the other kids there is no Santa!!! Man that would suck. Honestly this is the first Time I have ever heard someone say they don't teach their kids there is a Santa.. And I swear I'm not knocking or trying to make anyone mad.. Just a little shocked. Definitely not saying makes anyone a bad person or anything like that!! I mean Hell look at all the people that tell their kids there's a Santa and then beats the hell out of them every day.. Okay I'm done rambling.. Or more thing I did the elf on the shelf and I think one or two years until my little girl was too old.. Go ahead and confess those of you that are doing it, how many times have you got up because you forgot to move it and scurried around panicking? And how many times have you really forgot to move it and what was your excuse for the elf not moving?? Hahahah. And I think it was infamous1 that had one taking a dump that was classic!!!!!
Dammit man. That **** dam near choked me up. Sheesh. Look Ya now tho!!TheViking said:I can't wait to become more financially rounded so that we can adopt children from the Salvation Army Angel Tree again! My wife and I used to love that and we do the Shoes For Orphan Souls and Operation Christmas Child I had one Christmas in my later teens when all I got was a key fob. My family was homeless at the time I still know inspite of the hard times that was one of the best Christmas mornings because even though it was small I did have my family.
kushKrawlin said:money_pit_yj said:The use is, that we need to teach our kids that Christmas is about more than "getting". We are trying everything we can to deprogram our kids from this mess that they have to get an xbox and three games and this and that and more more more. It is hard, but we are adopting a family this year and giving them the majority of what we would have spent on presents and told our whole extended family we were getting small sentimental gifts instead of electronics and clothes. I love the idea of Santa and giving kids stuff, but the reality is that my kids have more than enough and there are kids out there whose parents don't even want them around plus Christmas is about something far greater than Santa. No matter what your religious stance is, Christmas has always been a celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world, who was born in a barn 2000+ years ago and that is really enough. I love seeing the joy on my boys face when they get up Christmas morning and see their stuff, but I hope that over time their joy would come from seeing another kid who has nothing get excited over a small gift or a warm meal, or getting to spend all day with their family. I think that is what we are missing. BTW We do have an Elf on the Shelf, we do Santa Clause, I dress up like cousin Eddy for Christmas parties, and all that other commercial stuff, I am just trying to keep it under control and teach my boys that there is so much more!
I think we have been away from the real reason of Christmas for as long as I can remember.. I'm really not want to preach because I know I have ALOT to work on. But one thing I am sure of is the real reason for Christmas. Another one is, this moron knows where he's goin win I kick the bucket . I know everyone has their own beliefs, I don't try to change peoples opinion or judge people.. But I think every year we as a country get further and further away of what it's really all about. Loops Sorry got sidetracked,, back to topic..
I sure hope they don't go to school until the other kids there is no Santa!!! Man that would suck. Honestly this is the first Time I have ever heard someone say they don't teach their kids there is a Santa.. And I swear I'm not knocking or trying to make anyone mad.. Just a little shocked. Definitely not saying makes anyone a bad person or anything like that!! I mean Hell look at all the people that tell their kids there's a Santa and then beats the hell out of them every day.. Okay I'm done rambling.. Or more thing I did the elf on the shelf and I think one or two years until my little girl was too old.. Go ahead and confess those of you that are doing it, how many times have you got up because you forgot to move it and scurried around panicking? And how many times have you really forgot to move it and what was your excuse for the elf not moving?? Hahahah. And I think it was infamous1 that had one taking a dump that was classic!!!!!
Someone needs to teach Kush how to reply with a quote!!!!!!
xjcrawler said:Someone needs to teach Kush how to reply with a quote!!!!!!
Hahaha I was thinking the same thing! laughing1
xjcrawler said:Someone needs to teach Kush how to reply with a quote!!!!!!