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Evans creek CLOSURE

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Be sure to check out page 31 for a map of what the trail system will look like under the new plan.
Actually...here is a better link to all the info on the Evan's Creek plan:


On this page are several links to documents:

  • Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
  • Environmental Assessment
  • EA Cover
  • Campground & Day-Use Concept Plan Drawing
  • Entrance Facility Concept Plan Drawing

Everyone should read through the 132 page Evironmental Assessment:

  • old trail map is on page 10
  • closure dates are on pages 14-15
  • alternative ideas considered are discussed starting on page 34
  • the chosen plan (alternative 2) is discussed on pages 37 - 44
  • the new map is on page 46
  • user built trails are discussed on page 104 & 106
  • individuals & other agencies that helped develop the plan are listed on page 131
  • Forest Service employees involved in the plan are listed on page 132
This is the new reality for Evan's Creek ORV :eeek:
I just read the decision letter and overall it doesn't sound like a bad thing except for the closed part. According to the letter Evans has in the past been closed Nov through July so the "new" closure isn't new at all and in fact is for a shorter time period. Sounds as though there are planns to close off user built trails that are the subject of some other threads. As far as the appeal I think the time frame may have just passed but if there were a appeal they could not impliment this plan until after the appeals process. Being that Evans is NOW closed (as of last Nov 1st.):Correction. Evans is currently closed fron Nov 10 through July 15th:I don't think the appeal would do any good.
Back to your regular scheduled program and I hope you like the new Evans after it reopens.:cheer:
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It looks to me that the trails will be closed from 12/15 - 03/31 (3.5 months), BUT depending on conditions some/all of the trails could be closed from 10/01 - 06/30 (9 months) :eeek:

December 15
they could, but i will honestly say, i don't think they'll do that unless its reaaaally bad.

we better step up before this happens to Elbe.
Wow, another one down. It makes it pretty tough that it doesn't seem to matter what the wheeling community does or says the powers to be :booo:

How much will this closure affect the the businesses in the area and those that sell 4x4 products in the area?
Wow, another one down. It makes it pretty tough that it doesn't seem to matter what the wheeling community does or says the powers to be :booo:

How much will this closure affect the the businesses in the area and those that sell 4x4 products in the area?

I doubt it will slow down at all, I bet it gets the same amount of wheelers as last year
Ok I just got off the phone with Bob and here's the skinny on what's going on at Evans. The park will undergo a seasonal closure beginning dec.15 2010 as in next year. Tech. its already in effect for this year but there is no gate in place to enforce the closure. We may very well see a gate in place at the entrance next year to enforce the closure. There still seems to be a lot of confusion within the FS as to what this all means. I have a call into the head ranger for the Mt baker snouq. district and I will see what he says. This whole project is a work in motion so expect changes as they implement it. Also keep in mind that this closure is partly for drainage issues (trail rutting) but mainly is a fish and wildlife issue. We all know just how much clout the DFWL has :booo:
Below is the e-mail I received from Bob.

Hey Jim. It may be better to have a phone conversation on this to better clarify but here is the closure as it reads in the Environmental Assessment. (pg 44) Technically this was in effect when the Decision Notice was signed but likely will not be enforced until 2010 after the 7920 and 105 are decomissioned and some type of closure is installed at the entrance. Keep in mind we want to to be a flexible as possible with the shoulder season individual trail closures but the wildlife closure will be need to be enforced next season. My intent this upcoming season is to purchase a piece of equipment and start working on the trail system to better armour so drainage and erosion wont be an issue during the heavy rains and the trails can remain open. I will need the support of volunteers in expediting this over the next few years.

January - March 31 Area Closed for Wildlife Concern
April 1- June 30 Individual trail closures as Needed *
July 1- September 30 Area Open *
October 1 - December 14 Individual trail Closures as Needed *
December 15 - December 31 Area Closues- Wildlife Concern

* Potential for individual trail closures based on trail conditions during severe weather events for duration based on resource concerns.

Bob Pacific
Trails/ORV/Summit at Snoqualmie Ski Administration
Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
Snoqualmie Ranger District
450 Roosevelt Ave East
Enumclaw, WA 98022
(360) 825-6585 x205
i'd bet the trail is almost totally gonna when they're done and a whole new trail is erected just from the logging???

We went up and marked out the entire trail just so this dosent happen. Still could but shouldnt.

They will reopen it as long as they leave at least a 6 foot stump The trails will still be tight just :rb:

This is what we asked for (tall stumps) but we also have to consider that the largest value of the tree is the first 20' After talking to the forester I dont "believe" this will be a problem.
Ok I just got off the phone with Bob and here's the skinny on what's going on at Evans. The park will undergo a seasonal closure beginning dec.15 2010 as in next year. Tech. its already in effect for this year but there is no gate in place to enforce the closure. We may very well see a gate in place at the entrance next year to enforce the closure. There still seems to be a lot of confusion within the FS as to what this all means. I have a call into the head ranger for the Mt baker snouq. district and I will see what he says. This whole project is a work in motion so expect changes as they implement it. Also keep in mind that this closure is partly for drainage issues (trail rutting) but mainly is a fish and wildlife issue. We all know just how much clout the DFWL has :booo:

Below is the e-mail I received from Bob:

Hey Jim. It may be better to have a phone conversation on this to better clarify but here is the closure as it reads in the Environmental Assessment. (pg 44) Technically this was in effect when the Decision Notice was signed but likely will not be enforced until 2010 after the 7920 and 105 are decomissioned and some type of closure is installed at the entrance. Keep in mind we want to to be a flexible as possible with the shoulder season individual trail closures but the wildlife closure will be need to be enforced next season. My intent this upcoming season is to purchase a piece of equipment and start working on the trail system to better armour so drainage and erosion wont be an issue during the heavy rains and the trails can remain open. I will need the support of volunteers in expediting this over the next few years.

January - March 31 Area Closed for Wildlife Concern
April 1- June 30 Individual trail closures as Needed *
July 1- September 30 Area Open *
October 1 - December 14 Individual trail Closures as Needed *
December 15 - December 31 Area Closues- Wildlife Concern

* Potential for individual trail closures based on trail conditions during severe weather events for duration based on resource concerns.

Bob Pacific
Trails/ORV/Summit at Snoqualmie Ski Administration
Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
Snoqualmie Ranger District
450 Roosevelt Ave East
Enumclaw, WA 98022
(360) 825-6585 x205

Thanks for the confirmation :awesomework:
Thanks for the info pokey. :awesomework:

Any word on when the 7920/7805 road will be closing?
As in turning to trail ? That is supposed to happen summer of 2010

Not what I meant, but it is the answer I was looking for. :haha: The 7805 is the road off of Fairfax Forest Reserve road that turns into the 7920. From what I understand, they're closing it from Fairfax road to the 519. :booo:
Not what I meant, but it is the answer I was looking for. :haha: The 7805 is the road off of Fairfax Forest Reserve road that turns into the 7920. From what I understand, they're closing it from Fairfax road to the 519. :booo:

Thats the Tolmie creek road. And yes its going away from the 519 down to the carbon river road. and yea I hate to see it go as well. Their closing it because its expencive to maintain and it creates a saftey issue for the rangers. They want to have only one entrance and exit to the park. which unfortunatly makes it easier to close the park in the winter :booo:
did someone mention help????

i am one of those almost, illiterate blue collar workers. and my computer skills are not much better. but i am hearing improvement to the park and trail system? is this right? well where does the work party show up at? and when? more help the quicker it gets done. i am in!
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