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Evans Creek improvements...

This is cool. :rolleyes:

If any previously undiscovered threatened, endangered, or sensitive (TES) or other rare and uncommon vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, or fungi are discovered, before or during project implementation, halt work until a USFS Botanist is consulted and necessary mitigation measures are enacted.
Here is the responses I got back from Ian-

Apparently the MVUM will be corrected/updated. As it stands now you are fine at 80. There should be no issues with our staff at 80. We have 80 inch barricades in place at the beginning of the trails. If there is an issue just contact Bob or I an we can clarify. Thanks, Ian

From: Jacob Phillips [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 5:07 PM
To: Canaan, Ian; Pacific, Bob
Subject: Re: Evans Creek Width?

Is there an official document that states the width that I can have to distribute to other ORV users? As it stands now, users can be ticketed for being wider than 72" because we are required to carry the MVUM with us and it states 72".

Thank you for your time discussing this with me.


From: "Canaan, Ian" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 00:02:10 +0000
To: Jacob Phillips <[email protected]>, "Pacific, Bob" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Evans Creek Width?

We have no idea. Those use maps are not created locally.

From: Jacob Phillips [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 5:00 PM
To: Canaan, Ian; Pacific, Bob
Subject: Re: Evans Creek Width?

Do you know when the maps will be updated so that there is no more confusion amongst the users and so we can be sure we are in compliance?

Thank you,


From: "Canaan, Ian" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 23:54:47 +0000
To: Jacob Phillips <[email protected]>, "Pacific, Bob" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Evans Creek Width?

I believe 80 is the new standard.

From: Jacob Phillips [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 4:51 PM
To: Pacific, Bob
Cc: Canaan, Ian
Subject: Evans Creek Width?

What is the official width restriction at Evans Creek OHV use area? Users state it is 80". The official maps users are required to have on hand state it is 72". Can you give me definite answer please?

Thank you,


Not to sure why you could not just do that from the start. Would have saved allot of time.
My first trip to EC was in 96, went wtih a group of 5 completely stock soobs on 13 inch street tires. We made it thru several of the trails, had to push and shove a few times, but we made it. Evans isn't easier now, it's been beat to snot. The "worm trail" is worn down so much that you can't see out of the side of your rig anymore. The rocks on lower 311 are almost impassible to anything not locked now. Didn't used to be like that.

With a small lift, 27 inch mudders and an LSD in the rear, we could do almost all of the trails at EC.


I'm ok with EC being somewhat smoothed out if it means it stays open. Rigs wider than 80 inches, giant buggies have no business there. EC should be useable by anybody, and not just hardcore wheelers. If it's not hard enough for you, take out your lockers and try having to pick a line for a change. ;)

Here's an example of what a trail used to look like before it got completely eroded. Reiters, under the powerlines. Pic taken on the way back down.

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Didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that I've been running all of those trails open diff'd for 10 + years. There's no need to bring giant buggies, you'll be bored.

As mentioned in a post above, a stock jeep can do them all, and by all rights should be able to use the trails. EC ain't the Rubicon.

We brought Soobs there too.
Here's a simple Subaru Brat walking up Caddilac Hill.

There's no need to bring giant buggies, you'll be bored.

This is the same thing as saying "There is no need for Subaru's, they are cars, they don't belong on the trail."

Diversity is what makes this sport great, limiting the trails so only stockish rigs can run it cuts down on this. At the same time, we're not saying we want all trails to become hardcore only trails, but a few miles of said hardcore trails at each park would add to our sport, not take away from it.
This is the same thing as saying "There is no need for Subaru's, they are cars, they don't belong on the trail."

Diversity is what makes this sport great, limiting the trails so only stockish rigs can run it cuts down on this. At the same time, we're not saying we want all trails to become hardcore only trails, but a few miles of said hardcore trails at each park would add to our sport, not take away from it.

True, we got that when we tried to post pics on the pirate board after playing at the Rubicon.

These days I have a locked Toy, I'd like to see a little bit tougher stuff at EC too. My point being, I'll sacrifice quite a bit to keep EC open, rather than just plain shut down like Reiters.
True, we got that when we tried to post pics on the pirate board after playing at the Rubicon.

These days I have a locked Toy, I'd like to see a little bit tougher stuff at EC too. My point being, I'll sacrifice quite a bit to keep EC open, rather than just plain shut down like Reiters.

They already closed it in the winter, which was the only time it was worth running :rolleyes: