Here is a trip report I posted on another forum I am on. Had a great time!
Saturday night, myself and a few friends (psychosquirrel, JungerJK, Jeremy) went to Evan's Creek for the season opener. A few guys from NW wheelers had talked with Ian the Forest ranger in the area and got him to go up to open the gate at midnight for them to clear the trails and play in some fresh snow. I could not miss this so we went too.
We got up there a little early at 11:00pm and to our surprise Ian had already opened the gate and people were already getting stuck in the lower staging area. The snow was heavy and deep! We started airing down immediatly, we were anxious to get started. We noticed after airing down that a group of 3 started cutting trail up 311 and a group of 5 started cutting trail through the snow up the FS road. Our goal for the night was to get to the camp ground and claim the covered fire pit so we decided to take 311 figuring there'd be less snow so going would be faster. We hooked up with 3 other guys and started up 311. It was pretty easy going.... too easy in fact. We opted to turn around and take the FS road. Leaving the other 3 to continue working 311. We noticed on the way up 311 that the group that took the lower road was having a tough time. We could see and hear them through the trees. So after turning around we made our way up the FS road. It was def. deep and slow going. We made it about a quarter mile and met a group that was heading the other way. They were turning around because it was too deep. We helped one guy get turned around by winching him around using a tree and snatch block. While turning him around we were pleasantly surprised to find this was the lead group that was cutting trail. Once we cleared them it was on like donkey kong!

Some of you have met my friend Jeremy with his little Samurai.... that thing is a beast! Running 37" Irok's aired down to ZERO (double beadlocks are bitchen) it could go anywhere. It cut trail the entire way up for us with no issues. It was so light that with me following in his tracks I was still having to cut trail myself. He was light enough that he could float on top of the snow and I just couldn't stay on top. I'd get going for about 50' then too much snow would pack up in my under belly and I'd have to back up then charge at the wall of snow to break through it. Sometimes it worked..... most times it didn't. I even was aired down to 3.5 psi trying to stay on top and I just couldn't. I got stuck probably a dozen or so times. To make a really long night short. We winched and tugged and envied the damn Samurai for 8 hours just to make it to the campground. But our goal was reached! We started at 11 pm and got to the campground at 7:20 the following morning.
We made a fire in the covered fire pit like planned... hung out for about 2 hours and realized it was warmer in the jeeps so at about 9:30 we decided to make our way down 311 and head home. On our way down we met up with quite a few groups of jeepers that were getting an early start Sunday morning. We talked with a few guys on the 311 lookout to find out that one of the groups that had started the night with us was still down at the lower staging area. They had apparently worked 311 for a while and were starting to work 102 as well. Those guys were troopers! Making our way down 311 was fairly easy but eventful. Psychosquirrel was leading the charge down 311 in his 4dr and had a slip up that cost him a door handle, and made a fairly good sized dent in the drivers rear door. Dang it! We cruized down 311 and made it back to Jeremy's truck to air up. The night was 12 hours in total and a fantastic time.
Oh and I forgot to mention one of the times I got stuck Jeremy had to turn around and pull me out.... I was so stuck we ripped the bolts that held his bumper out of the frame rail on his Samurai rendering his winch useless and to top that... one of the times psychosquirrel got stuck I had to winch him for so long that it killed my battery and it no longer had enough juice to run the winch. So from about 5am on we were without winches.
Here are a few pictures from Sunday morning. Crappy cell phone pics but they work. This is at the camp ground and starting our way down 311. We didn't take any night pictures. We were having too much fun.