So here's how it went, ****ing f.s. dropped the ball, heading up to the gate it started dumping snow and when we turned the corner the gate was still closed at 1:30am. Debated on what to do while having a cold one,decided to head back to Seattle and get a couple hrs sleep and come back later in the morning. Left seattle again 8:00am and arrived at the gate about 9:30 and guess what,it's still ****ing closed
now we're pissed,blaze down the mountain till I got phone service,called the f.s and asked what's up with the orv park. They said, oh yeah it was opened up last night at midnight, uuummm no it wasn't! !!!! So I was transferred to the supervisor and she said yeah it was opened last night. I told her NO it wasn't I was there at midnight and again this morning. Told me to call her back in a few minutes, of course I loose reception so we blaze down to carbon river station. The ranger was already on the phone when we walked in, and said I think I know why your here. Anyways, he was on hold with Enumclaw station when he got a call on the radio, so he gave me the phone, when someone finally came on they said someone was on the way to open it. Jam back up hill again to wait,another rig pulled up to wait also. About an hr till he shows his face,and he said, whoops my bad, I got busy,you know how it is. Are you fukn serious!! My co-pilot made me go back to the truck. That's exactly why I called prior to make sure it would be open and was told midnight, even told them there would be rigs there at midnight. Pretty sure he told his supervisors he opened it and didn't actually do it,because everyone I talked too said they were told one of there guys opened it. So, took a day off,$100 in fuel,milage on the rig,and a night of no sleep, f.s can :kissmybutt: As far as the wheeling went-spectacular day, popped all the trails cherry,blazed first tracks all day,snowed like crazy, it was actually incredibly grippy, barely spun tires all day,propane ran flawless, couldn't be happier with it! Seattle to evans,back to seattle,back to evans,back to carbon river,back to evans,awesome wheeling,back to seattle,long day but still worth it. The fj had no top,doors,and the windshield down and drove it there from auburn. All the branches were so heavy with snow that it all ended up in there laps while going thru. Couldn't imagine that cold ride home frozen and soaked.

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