It's apparently that you're not familiar with the PNW4WDA. Review their website and you'll get a lot more info on who they are and what they do. The PNW4WDA is the primary association that fights the battles to save the trails in WA, OR and ID, at an organizational level. The information provided is VERY official as the Washington State Director is in charge of land matters for the entire state. She does have the authority to negotiate with the state on these kinds of matters and YES, she can change their mind.
You might want to consider getting involved with the association. We are in need of more people to become active as this and other battles are not over.
Derrick Clarke I'm sure was involved as well. Derrick is the Region 2 chair for Evans Creek. He is involved in co-ordinating and keeping on top of the issues with Evan's Creek and co-ordinating the volunteer efforts and camp host progam at the park. There is a PNW4WDA representative involved with every ORV park in the state. I have this role for Elbe Hills ORV park and I work with the DNR on issues like trail repairs, improvements, campground improvements, grants etc. I believe Jeff Williams is the rep for Tahuya and there are others.