Pabst O'Holic
Whats it matter, you will have sold your runner by the time i get mine done........
That just depends on how long it takes you.....
The Runner may rust away while I am waiting for you....

Whats it matter, you will have sold your runner by the time i get mine done........
When we going snow wheelin :corn:
Tipover and Shoestring were a freakin riot this weekend.:awesomework:
loving the 2wd fenders. :awesomework:
Can I ask why propane? Not second guessing ya. Delivery systems prolly have gotten a lot better over time.![]()
Thanks. I dont know why more people dont use them. Real easy to trim off 3/4" with the plasma. I think they just look better.
It had a carb. Propane is cheaper. Will accommodate a turbo when the funds allow it. No electronics.
Best of all, it is better for the environment. Plus i get out of having to pay my road tax.:fawkdancesmiley::fawkdancesmiley:
I agree but for my DD the extra kick out from the 4x4 fenders keep things "looking" legit.
Not exactly true, Just depends whether you want harmful gasses going up into the atmosphere or settling at you feet... which kills plants... :booo:
...Brad is less than happy w/ his truck today... :booo:
Um, why is that?
I have a feeling pictures will be involved...
No need for pics. To make a long story short
I have been bustin my balls for the last three days to get this project somewhat done. Today i spent 4 hours ****ing with my distributer to get the mechanical advance correct. Its close... Then i go for a short drive, at 35mph death wobble sets in. No big deal, go back to the shop to check some ****. Pull into the shop and it steaming out the hood, appears I have a leaky headgasket.... Im thrilled.........