• Help Support Hardline Crawlers :

EVERYONE! please take the survey at aetna nation! even if you never go there!

Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

help keep Aetna open !! Your park may be next!!
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

"We cannot access the area with the four-wheel-drive vehicles we are issued by the state, and we worry about that from the public safety standpoint," he said.

"It's a time bomb waiting to go off from the public safety standpoint. I can't imagine what we would do if one of those vehicles rolled over on a crowd of people. I can't imagine how we'd handle it," he said.

Y'all wont need to handle sh*t! If somebody gets hurt somebody will load them up in their rig and get them down to a waiting ambulance or straight to medical care just like we always have. The offroad community will take care of it's self if they'll let us!

On the other hand, he said, the streams and river need to be protected.

Re: Whats going on with Aetna? Help your park may be next!

how do we fight this?
how about the guys that were looking into LLC corp's to own their own park and insurance , if enough small parks pop up we could band together and self insure.. There has got to be a way to keep our sport alive , why not a old cement plant or concrete products plant!! How is redneck resorts getting away with ins. and pollution issues?
Re: Whats going on with Aetna? Help your park may be next!

There is a new face book page called Aetna Nation and they are trying to save Aetna for OHV use. If you are on face book join this page for updates on Aetna. Also there is a breif survey they are asking for people to fill out ! HELP SAVE AETNA join this FB page and take the survey ! Below is Aetna Nations latest post and a link to there face book page.

AETNA NATION - You guys have got to be tired of us pushing this survey but it has to be done. We are gearing up to take some major steps in the right direction but we absolutely NEED input. We only have 148 responses; we need more than twice than many. Urge everyone you know to take this survey! Share it like crazy. If any of you are on 4x4 message boards share it there too. Time is closing in on us and once Aetna is lost there chances of getting it back are slim to none. Get creative with your sharing.
