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Exercise for gimps?

Is there a gym between your house and your work? Or at least one that is not a big detour? If so, I would suggest joining it and going in the morning before work. Do a mix of weight training and cardio. For cardio, mix it up with elliptical, walking on a treadmill at a steep angle, running on the treadmill, summit climber/stair climber, stationary bicycle. Do a different one of those each time you go, or mix it up further by doing 8 minutes on four different machines. For the weight training, start off with some simple lifts and progress from there. Do the weights Mon, Wed, Fri and the cardio Tue, Thur. Assuming you work 5 or at worst 6 days a week, also do some outside cardio on the weekends. Are there any bike paths near where you live?
You know me man, I'm a fitness freak so here's my best advice. Get on your diet ASAP. You'll start losing weight right away and I'm sure a lot of your joint pain and problems come from excess weight. At the very least, less weight will help there. I also never thought I'd say this but after reading all your posts I think the best way for you to get in decent cardio is on an elliptical machine. I suffered a horrible ankle injury back in May which sidelined me from the gym for most of the summer. When I started getting back I couldn't run so I relegated myself to the elliptical machines that I typically make fun of on a regular basis. I would do 2 miles each day and would bump up the resistance as I got stronger. Typically this would make for about a 20 minute workout (I also do weights but if you don't just do the elliptical for longer). Believe it or not, this combined with a good diet, I got back in pretty good shape. I'm back running now but I liked the elliptical enough I actually work it into my routine a couple times a week when my knees are sore or I'm too tired to run. For some reason the elliptical makes you feel like you're not working nearly as hard but I still sweat as much as when I run so my unscientific opinion is that you're still putting forth close to the amount of effort as a solid run. Just don't be a douche and leave the resistance on 0 and glide back and forth like the fattys without ever breaking a sweat.

If you need any diet advice let me know. When anyone asks me about what kind of diet to get on I just tell them this. Don't count calories, macros, or any of that nonsense and don't do any fad bullshit. That **** is stupid and who has time to weigh portions and track macros anyway. This will eventually lead to failure. You're not an idiot. Eat healthy, lots of lean protein and veggies, limit the carbs, and stick to whole wheat when you do get your carbs in. You'll be back in shape in no time.
redneckengineered said:
If you need any diet advice let me know. When anyone asks me about what kind of diet to get on I just tell them this. Don't count calories, macros, or any of that nonsense and don't do any fad bullshit. That **** is stupid and who has time to weigh portions and track macros anyway. This will eventually lead to failure. You're not an idiot. Eat healthy, lots of lean protein and veggies, limit the carbs, and stick to whole wheat when you do get your carbs in. You'll be back in shape in no time.

Probably the best KISS method right there. It isn't rocket science, just eat smart. We all know what is relatively healthy and what isn't. I won't even get into the meal timing etc because I already know most of us don't have the time to even consider that stuff. Eat a healthy breakfast to kickstart your metabolism in the AM. I suck at this so I typically try and keep some hardboiled eggs and fruit around the house that is easy to grab on my way out the door. Usually a protein shake as soon as I get to work. If you must snack, snack healthy. I keep a case or two of Kind Bar's and Oh Yeah One Bars or some kind of protein or semi-healthy snack bar in my desk at the office usually for those moments so I don't run out and grab a candy bar or bag of chips or some **** like that.

As for exercise, find something you like. It is different for everyone. My situation isn't like most so I don't expect someone to follow it to a T. 29, no kids, former college athlete so I know a little bit about staying healthy. I am really lucky to have a full gym at my office so my excuses are only "I was too ****ing lazy to go work out" and "I just felt like eating that big double tray with two corndogs and a huge tea". I'll typically knock out an hour of cardio at lunch or on Tues/Thurs we play soccer at the place across the street for an hour. Instead of going to sit in rush hour traffic, I'll get my lifting in after work. Some days are an exception where I will lift at lunch and go ride the mountain bike after work. I'm a dumbass and push around a steel framed singlespeed bike while the rest of my usual riding group is on full squish modern goodness. Weekends I'm usually riding at least one day if the weather allows or racing a hare scramble. Wheelin weekends are like a cheat day for me usually, until 74Chevota becomes a giant poontang and I have to hike my happy ass up Showtime Hill to pull cable for him.

I'm no specimen of athletic prowess at 5'8" floating between 188-193. But without all that discipline and half way healthy diet, I was 215lbs of Cookout Trays and Keystones.

As for knees/joints etc. I've had my ACL/MCL and both meniscus worked on in my right knee and blown up every tendon in my right ankle. After 9 years of fitting ski boots and running shoes for people, I can honestly say most people's injuries come from ill fitting shoes. Getting a good set of running shoes fitted properly (gait analysis and get measured with a brannock device to start with) is the way to start. Walk in to any shoe store and ask for a gait analysis. If they balk or ask what that is, go somewhere else. Would you rather have red's on your rig or some gumbo mudders? Because that's what it equates to. Slapping a good tire on a clapped out old POS. It will make you do some cool stuff you didn't think you could do. :****:
Thanks for the advice, ya'll. I feel like I have the diet part down since I have successfully done it in the past. I was searching for ideas on ways to become active around my shitty work schedule and shitty joints mainly. I'm going to kind of stop replying because I feel like I sound like I'm making excuses when I do. Ya'll are giving me ideas though so don't stop.
patooyee said:
Thanks for the advice, ya'll. I feel like I have the diet part down since I have successfully done it in the past. I was searching for ideas on ways to become active around my shitty work schedule and shitty joints mainly. I'm going to kind of stop replying because I feel like I sound like I'm making excuses when I do. Ya'll are giving me ideas though so don't stop.

Fattys love to buy exercise equipment and never use it. Also, gyms go out of business all the time. Search craigslist for used equipment. Get a few pieces you like and set it up in your garage and hit it every morning or evening. All you really need is some sort of cardio piece like an elliptical and some free weights and you can accomplish the goals you've described here.

This post came at a good time because I've been wanting lose my gut as well. When you guys are talking about lifting weights what's a typical workout include? I've got a bench and some dumbells at the house that I need to knock the dust off of.

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onepieceatatime said:
This post came at a good time because I've been wanting lose my gut as well. When you guys are talking about lifting weights what's a typical workout include? I've got a bench and some dumbells at the house that I need to knock the dust off of.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Continuous movement. I superset a lot of stuff or at least make my "rest" period something that is low impact or body weight oriented to keep my heart rate up a bit. Wall sits, air squats, hold a plank or pushup position, core work etc. All depends on what you are working out that day.

Check out Bodybuilding.com and check out their "Find a Plan" program. (ignore the name of the website. It has something for everyone) It will suggest programs for you, just be realistic and honest with your goals. Some even come with meal ideas and diet suggestions that go with a workout plan. I revert back to this site probably once a month if I get in a funk or just need an idea to switch it up a bit. IMO, pick something that is 8-12 weeks in length. It forces you to mentally have a long term goal, not immediate (under 1 month) results. This way you are more likely to develop a routine, and stick with it. AKA drop the gut and keep it off. Step on a scale on day 1, record your weight. Or for this crowd, squeeze that fawker as hard as you can and record the number. Then do NOT do it again until after you have completed the program. If you do not drop a ton of weight or whatever ideal number you have in your head, do not get discouraged. Not everyone shed's lbs. Some lean out and get considerably stronger and just build muscle to take the place of that fat. LBS don't mean **** IMO. Look for your results in the gym.

EX: I got to 178 about 2 summers ago. I was faster than **** on my mountain bike but when it came to starting to race dirtbikes again, It SUCKED to manhandle that 250 through the woods. The strength just wasn't there. I put on about 10 lbs over the course of the next year and can now ride both with results that I consider acceptable.

onepieceatatime said:
This post came at a good time because I've been wanting lose my gut as well. When you guys are talking about lifting weights what's a typical workout include? I've got a bench and some dumbells at the house that I need to knock the dust off of.

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It's all over the map. Depends on your goals. If you haven't worked out in a long time you'll make progress doing pretty much anything. Don't get too caught up in a specific plan or magic regimen. You'll see the most progress in the first few weeks to few months. Once you start to plateau, then it's time to buckle down and get serious. But by then, you kind of know what's working and what you like to do so it's easier to dial in a program.
I have a fawked up knee from high school football and kept reinjuring my damaged shoulder when trying P90x. I actually bought a gazelle elite (the one with the heavy duty tubing and adjustable resistance shocks) and knock out 30 minutes every morning while watching tv. It has almost zero impact on the joints. You can find them used for cheap on craigslist. thumb.gif

onepieceatatime said:
This post came at a good time because I've been wanting lose my gut as well. When you guys are talking about lifting weights what's a typical workout include? I've got a bench and some dumbells at the house that I need to knock the dust off of.

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Here is a list of various exercises I created to use at my company gym. This is just a list of the exercises that I can do with the equipment that I have access to. I do not do all of these. I rotate them into and out of my workout to continue to shock the muscle.


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Anybody got some ideas for lunch. I work out of a service truck and gain a healthy meal is limited.

I've gotten back on protein shakes and eat tuna fish alot, but that is getting old.

ROKTOY829 said:
Anybody got some ideas for lunch. I work out of a service truck and gain a healthy meal is limited.

I've gotten back on protein shakes and eat tuna fish alot, but that is getting old.

Take quinoa, feta cheese, chicken breast and toss with some Garlic Expressions dressing and you got a good healthy protein packed meal in a Tupperware. add avocado, asparagus, swap out quinoa for brown rice, and snack on almonds all day.

Never heard of quinoa, have no access to a microwave, so can you cook it and eat it cold the next day?
I've been on the glucosamine w/chondroitin about a week now. Just unloaded my first food truck since I started. This stuff flat-out works! On a scale of 1 - 10, my pain in knee and both elbows was about 5. (Was't terrible, but I've lived with my knee for most of my life and my elbows for a few years now.) Now its about a 1. If there is any further improvement at all I will say I have no more pain. Truly nectar of the gods!
patooyee said:
I've been on the glucosamine w/chondroitin about a week now. Just unloaded my first food truck since I started. This stuff flat-out works! On a scale of 1 - 10, my pain in knee and both elbows was about 5. (Was't terrible, but I've lived with my knee for most of my life and my elbows for a few years now.) Now its about a 1. If there is any further improvement at all I will say I have no more pain. Truly nectar of the gods!

Stay on it! If I run out and go a couple of days without it, I start aching almost immediately! I have to double my water intake when I take it or t doesn't work for me. I have a bad habit of drinking Diet Dr Pepper by the dozens, and forget to drink water.

ROKTOY829 said:
Never heard of quinoa, have no access to a microwave, so can you cook it and eat it cold the next day?

That's the best way to do it. Quinoa looks like rice but is a great source of fiber and protein. Its a weird texture, but you can get used to it!